IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
ITCAM for WebSphere supports a common XML format in which log messages and traces are logged. This viewer processes logs in that format so you can view and query their content.
The viewer can filter messages and traces by time, severity, thread ID, component, and other data, and convert the logged messages into ASCII or HTML for presentation. Visual cues are associated with error and warning messages.
In this section, the following terminology is used:
- A log record is a single coherent entry in the log file. The log record contains several fields (time, server, logText, etc.). A log should describe either user activities or the visible behavior of the program.
- A trace record is a single coherent entry in the trace file (similar to the log record). A trace record describes the internal activity of the application. Tracing is of interest to a programmer; trace records are not generally useful to the end user.
- A column header: Each log or trace record contains multiple fields, some more interesting than others. The term column header refers to these items.
- A filter predicate describes an expression that the LogViewer uses to determine if a particular record will be present in the output. Contrast with column header, which describes a field within the record.