IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Configure a Request Mapper

Request Mapper is highly sensitive to performance since it is frequently invoked. A poor-performing Request Mapper can have an adverse effect on the overall performance of the application server in terms of Servlet response time as well as CPU costs.

WebSphere 6.1 uses a different class loading mechanism than WebSphere 6.0 or WebSphere 5.1.1, therefore complete the following steps to configure the Request Mapper for WebSphere 6.1:

  1. Stop the WebSphere server.

  2. To configure a Request Mapper:

    1. Assuming the request mapper classes are packaged in requestmapper.jar, create the Request Mapper class plug-ins and package them into the jar file.

    2. In the file located in the DC_home/runtime/app_server_version.node_name.server_name/custom/ directory, set the am.requestmapper property as follows:
      am.requestmapper= <fully qualified requestmapper class name>
      where fully qualified requestmapper class name is the Request Mapper class that implements the ITCAM Request Mapper interface and is packaged in requestmapper.jar.

    3. Put the library requestmapper.jar in DC_home/itcamdc/lib/ext

  3. (Optional) The following steps are optional, they provide an example of how to configure a Request Mapper and avoid mixing the Request Mapper specific properties with other JVM system properties. This is done by creating a separate Request Mapper properties file and including all the Request Mapper properties in this file. In this way, if you need to add additional Request Mapper properties, you can do so without exposing them to other code either in the data collector or in the application server. The following steps provide an example of this optional approach:

    1. Create a property file called and put all the Request Mapper specific properties in this file. Put the file in DC_home/runtime/DC_specific dir.

    2. In the file located in the DC_home/runtime/app_server_version.node_name.server_name/custom/ directory, set the customer.reqestmapper.file property as follows:
        DC_home/runtime/DC_specific dir/ 

    3. In the RequestMapper code, get the location of file by doing System.getProperty("customer.requestmapper.file")

  4. Restart the WebSphere server.

Java docs and an example follow:

Parent topic:

Request Mapper


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