IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Servlets JSPs - J2EE attributes

The Servlets JSPs - J2EE attributes collect performance information for servlets and Java server pages (JSPs).

The attributes within this group are used to build the Servlets/JSPs - Selected Web Application workspace.

Average Response Time (ms)

The average servlet service time in milliseconds. Format is decimal (formatted to 3 decimal place). This attribute may be empty if servlet is not invoked yet.

Error Count

The number of servlets that are in error. Format is positive integer.

Interval (sec)

The length (in seconds) of the interval. Format is positive integer.

Invocation Count

The number of invocations. Format is positive integer. This attribute may be empty if servlet is not invoked yet.

Max Time (ms)

The longest service time in milliseconds. Format is decimal (formatted to 3 decimal place).

Min Time (ms)

The shortest service time in milliseconds. Format is decimal (formatted to 3 decimal place).

Node Name

The name of the system on which the server is running. The value format is an alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 256 characters.

Origin Node

The name of the server subnode. Format is alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 128 characters.

Row Number

The row number. Format is positive integer.

Sample Date and Time

The date and time that the monitoring agent for WebLogic Server agent collected data. The valid format is a 12-character timestamp. For the STR and SCAN functions, the format is MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS; the following table shows the values contained in this character string:

Format of the 12-character timestamp

Character String Meaning
MM Month
DD Day
YY Year
HH Hour
MM Minute
SS Second

Example: 09/13/06 18:32:03 indicates the data was collected on September 13, 2006, at 18:32:03.

This attribute was designed for logging and reporting data-collection times rather than for creating situations. To specify a time and date for comparison and testing, use attributes from the Universal Time or Local Time groups.

Server Name

The name of the application server. Format is alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 256 characters.

Servlet/JSP Name

The name of the Web application. Format is alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 128 characters.

Total Time (ms)

The total service time in milliseconds. Format is decimal (formatted to 3 decimal place).

Web Application Name

The name of the Web application. Format is alphanumeric string, with a maximum of 128 characters.

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Parent topic:

Attributes for ITCAM Agent for J2EE


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