IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Sample SQL script for creating flexible a table space in Oracle
Instead of setting permanently fixed sizes for the table space and temporary data file, the following sample script uses AUTOEXTEND to enlarge these items as needed. It autoextends the table space (named $username) 5 MB at a time and the temporary data file 100 KB at a time.
#!/bin/ksh if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo "Usage: username" exit 1 fi username=$1 echo "Creating SQL file:/dbs1/create/"$username"_create.sql" touch /dbs1/create/"$username"_create.sql REM REM Execute the following SQL fragment as Oracle RDBMS user "sys": REM create tablespace ts_$username datafile '/dbs1/ts_$username.dbf' size 30M default storage ( initial 100K next 50K minextents 2 maxextents 120) offline; commit; create tablespace tmp_ts_$username datafile '/dbs1/tmp_ts_$username.dbf' size 3M default storage ( initial 100K next 50K minextents 2 maxextents 20) TEMPORARY offline; commit; alter tablespace ts_$username online; commit; alter tablespace tmp_ts_$username online; commit; create profile profile_$username limit sessions_per_user 10 cpu_per_session unlimited cpu_per_call 6000 logical_reads_per_session unlimited logical_reads_per_call 100 idle_time 30 connect_time 480; commit; create user $username identified by $username default tablespace ts_$username temporary tablespace tmp_ts_$username quota unlimited on ts_$username profile profile_$username; commit; GRANT CONNECT,RESOURCE,UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO $username identified by $username; commit; ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/dbs1/ts_$username.dbf' AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M; commit; ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/dbs1/tmp_ts_$username.dbf' AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100K; commit;
Parent topic:
Sample scripts for configuring an existing database