IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version

Install the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console SNMP Adapter for non-TME

Instructions for installing the non-TME version are found in the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Adapters Guide. See the following Web site: /

Follow Tivoli's instructions to install the non-TME SNMP Adapter on any of the supported platforms.

To configure, open a command prompt or shell, change the current directory to the location of the files for the Managing Server's Tivoli Enterprise Console integration feature, and type the following text:

sh pathname

Pathname is optional. It specifies the directory name containing the SNMP Adapter. The script will look in a few default locations, and exit with a warning message if the Adapter files and directory cannot be found.

Note this script will only work on UNIX and Linux systems and Windows systems with a Bourne shell prompt (such as Tivoli managed node). If you are configuring a Windows system without access to a Bourne shell, perform the following steps from a command prompt:

net stop TECSNMPAdapter
copy am.cds c:\tecsnmp\etc
copy am.oid c:\tecsnmp\etc
cd \tecsnmp\etc
copy tecad_snmp.cds+am.cds
copy tecad_snmp.oid+am.oid
net start TECSNMPAdapter

Parent topic:

Configure IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console


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