Accessibility features for Packaging Utility

Accessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use information technology products successfully. IBM strives to provide products with usable access for everyone, regardless of age or ability.

Accessibility features

The major accessibility features in IBM Packaging Utility support keyboard-only operations.

Tip: The Packaging Utility Information Center and its related publications are accessibility-enabled for the IBM Home Page Reader. You can operate all features using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

Installation Manager uses standard Microsoft Windows navigation keys, as well as some product-specific keys in certain contexts..

Keyboard navigation

Shortcuts for the Packaging Utility:

Key combination Context Function
Right Arrow or Left Arrow Tree Expand or collapse
Down Arrow or Tab Tree Move to next node
Up Arrow or Shift+Tab Tree Move to previous node
Tab All pages Next UI item
Home or End All pages Move to top or bottom of group

Shortcuts for the help system:

id="d59e139">Key combination id="d59e141">Context id="d59e143">Function
id="d59e147" headers="d59e139 ">Right Arrow or Left Arrow Navigation tree Expand or collapse
id="d59e158" headers="d59e139 ">Down Arrow or Tab headers="d59e158 d59e141 ">Navigation tree headers="d59e158 d59e143 ">Move to next topic node
id="d59e169" headers="d59e139 ">Up Arrow or Shift+Tab headers="d59e169 d59e141 ">Navigation tree headers="d59e169 d59e143 ">Move to previous topic node
id="d59e180" headers="d59e139 ">Tab headers="d59e180 d59e141 ">Content frame headers="d59e180 d59e143 ">Next link or toolbar button
id="d59e188" headers="d59e139 ">Home or End headers="d59e188 d59e141 ">Content frame headers="d59e188 d59e143 ">Move to top or bottom
id="d59e199" headers="d59e139 ">Alt+Left Arrow headers="d59e199 d59e141 ">Content frame headers="d59e199 d59e143 ">Back
id="d59e207" headers="d59e139 ">Alt+Right Arrow headers="d59e207 d59e141 ">Content frame headers="d59e207 d59e143 ">Forward
id="d59e215" headers="d59e139 ">Ctrl+P headers="d59e215 d59e141 ">Content frame headers="d59e215 d59e143 ">Print
id="d59e223" headers="d59e139 ">Ctrl+Tab headers="d59e223 d59e141 ">Anywhere in the help browser headers="d59e223 d59e143 ">Put focus in the next frame
id="d59e231" headers="d59e139 ">Ctrl+Shift+Tab headers="d59e231 d59e141 ">Anywhere in the help browser headers="d59e231 d59e143 ">Put focus in the previous frame

Vendor software

IBM includes certain vendor software that is not covered under the IBM license agreement. IBM makes no representation about the accessibility features of these products. Contact the vendor for the accessibility information about its products.

IBM and accessibility

See the IBM Accessibility Center for more information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.


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