Unsupported characters for the installation path

Some characters cannot be used in a path when we install Installation Manager.Using unsupported characters in a path can result in errors.

Special Character Description Installation directory for Installation Manager Directory for the Installation Manager installer /home directory for the user when installing Installation Manager
# Number sign Unsupported Unsupported Unsupported
% Percent sign Unsupported Unsupported Unsupported
" Double quotation mark Unsupported Unsupported Unsupported
: Colon Unsupported Unsupported Unsupported
> Greater than symbol Unsupported Unsupported Unsupported
< Less than symbol Unsupported Unsupported Unsupported
` Grave accent Unsupported    
! Exclamation point Unsupported    
$ Dollar sign Unsupported    
^ Caret Unsupported    
& Ampersand Unsupported    
* Asterisk Unsupported    
@ At sign Unsupported    
( Opening parenthesis

On Windows, parentheses can be used when there is a preceding space. In some cases, () might show in the default installation directory when we install a 32-bit package on a computer that runs a 64-bit version of Windows. This example contains parentheses and is valid: C:\Program Files [(x86)]\SDP

) Closing parenthesis

On Windows, parentheses can be used when there is a preceding space. In some cases, () might show in the default installation directory when we install a 32-bit package on a computer that runs a 64-bit version of Windows. This example contains parentheses and is valid: C:\Program Files [(x86)]\SDP

| Vertical bar Unsupported    
\ Backslash Unsupported    
/ Forward slash Unsupported    
? Question mark Unsupported    
, Comma Unsupported    
{ Opening brace Unsupported    
} Closing brace Unsupported    
[ Opening bracket Unsupported    
] Closing bracket Unsupported    
Eclipse uses the home directory for a user when the configuration directory in the Installation Manager installation kit is not writable. If the home directory contains an unsupported character, you receive an error during the installation of Installation Manager.