Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directives

These configuration parameters control the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) feature in IBM HTTP Server.

Deprecated feature: If you are using the mod_ibm_ldap module for your LDAP configuration, consider migrating your mod_ibm_ldap directives to use the mod_ldap module. The mod_ibm_ldap module is provided with this release of IBM HTTP Server for compatibility with previous releases, however, you must migrate existing configurations to use the mod_authnz_ldap and mod_ldap modules to ensure future support for your LDAP configuration.

LdapCodepageDir directive

Codepages are now automatically installed in the IHS installation directory and are referenced relative to the IHS installation directory, as opposed to the configured server root directory as in previous versions.

LdapConfigfile directive

The LdapConfigFile directive indicates the name of the LDAP properties file associated with a group of LDAP parameters.
Directive Description
Syntax LdapConfigFile <Fully qualified path to configuration file>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default c:\program files\ibm http server\conf\ldap.prop.sample
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Fully qualified path to a single configuration file. Use this directive in the httpd.conf file.

LDAPRequire directive

The LDAPRequire directive is used to restrict access to a resource that is controlled by LDAP authentication to a specified collection of users. It can either use groups that are defined in LDAP by using the group type, or it can use an LDAP filter type to designate a collection of users with a similar set of attribute values.
Name Description
Syntax LDAPRequire filter <filter name> or LDAPRequire group <group1 [group2.group3....]>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default None
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values LDAPRequire filter (&(objectclass=person)(cn=*)(ou=IHS)(o=IBM)), or LDAPRequire group sample group.

Use this directive in the httpd.conf file.

If the group type is used, and multiple group values are specified, the group validation is a logical AND of the groups. A user must be a member of sample Group1 and sample Group2 if a logical OR of groups is required. For example, if a user is a member of sample Group1 or sample Group2, then a new LDAP group, our department group, should be created on the LDAP server that has sample Group1 and sample Group2 as its members. You would then use the directive: LDAPRequire group our Department Group .

Ldap.application.authType directive

The Ldap.application.authType directive specifies the method for authenticating the Web server to the LDAP server.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.application.authType=None
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default None
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes

  • None: If the LDAP server does not require the Web server to authenticate.

  • Basic: Uses the distinguished name (DN) of the Web server as the user ID, and the password stored in the stash file, as the password.

Ldap.application.DN directive

The Ldap.application.DN directive indicates the distinguished name (DN) of the Web server. Use this name as the user name when accessing an LDAP server using basic authentication. Use the entry specified in the LDAP server to access the directory server.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.application.DN=cn=ldapadm,ou=ihs test,o=IBM,c=US
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default None
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Distinguished name

Ldap.application.password.stashFile directive

The Ldap.application.password.stashFile directive indicates the name of the stash file containing the encrypted password for the application to authenticate to the LDAP server when Server Authentication type is Basic.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.application.password.stashFile=c:\IHS\ldap.sth
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default None
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Fully qualified path to the stash file. We can create this stash file with the ldapstash command.

Ldap.cache.timeout directive

The ldap.cache.timeout directive caches responses from the LDAP server. If you configure the Web server to run as multiple processes, each process manages its own copy of the cache.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.cache.timeout= <secs>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default 600
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values The maximum length of time, in seconds, a response returned from the LDAP server remains valid. directive

The directive indicates the filter used to determine if a distinguished name (DN) is an actual group through an LDAP search.
Name Description
Syntax = <attribute>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default uniquegroup
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values An ldap attribute - See the ldap.prop.sample directive for more information on the use of this directive. directive

The specifies the filter used to determine, through an LDAP search, if a distinguished name (DN) is an actual group.
Name Description
Syntax = <ldap filter>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default groupofnames groupofuniquenames
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values An ldap filter - See the ldap.prop.sample directive for more information on the use of this directive. directive

The directive specifies the attribute to retrieve unique groups from an existing group.
Name Description
Syntax = <ldap filter>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default groupofnames groupofuniquenames
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values An ldap filter - See the ldap.prop.sample directive for more information on the use of this directive. directive

The directive serves as a means to extract group members, once the function finds a group entry in an LDAP directory.
Name Description
Syntax attribute [attribute2....]
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default member and uniquemember
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Must equal the distinguished names of the group members. We can use more than one attribute to contain member information. directive

The directive indicates the filter LDAP uses to search for group names.
Name Description
Syntax = <group name filter>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default (&(cn=%v1) (|(objectclass=groupOfNames) (objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames))
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values An LDAP filter. directive

The directive searches subgroups when specifying the LDAPRequire group <group> directives. Groups can contain both individual members and other groups.
Name Description
Syntax = <integer depth>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default 1
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values An integer. When doing a search for a group, if a member in the process of authentication is not a member of the required group, any subgroups of the required group are also searched. For example:
group1 >group2 (group2 is a member of group1)
group2 >group3 (group3 is a member of group2)
group3 >jane   (jane is a member of group3)

If you search for jane and require her as a member of group1, the search fails with the default value of 1. If you specify>2, the search succeeds.

Use<depth to search -- number> to limit the depth of subgroup searches. This type of search can become very intensive on an LDAP server. Where group1 has group2 as a member, and group2 has group1 as a member, this directive limits the depth of the search. In the previous example, group1 has a depth of 1, group2 has a depth of 2 and group3 has a depth of 3. directive

The directive specifies a different location for a group on the same LDAP server. We cannot use this directive to specify a different LDAP server from that specified in the ldap.URL directive.

Name Description
Syntax = ldap://<hostname:port>/<BaseDN>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default None
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes

  • host name: Host name of the LDAP server.

  • port number: Optional port number on which the LDAP server listens. The default for TCP connections is 389. If you use SSL, you must specify the port number.

  • BaseDN: Provides the root of the LDAP tree in which to perform the search for groups.

Attention: This property becomes required if the LDAP URL for groups differs from the URL specified by the ldap.URL property.

Ldap.idleConnection.timeout directive

The ldap.idleConnection.timeout directive caches connections to the LDAP server for performance.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.idleConection.timeout = <secs>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default 600
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Length of time, in seconds, before an idle LDAP server connection closes due to inactivity.

Ldap.key.file.password.stashfile directive

The ldap.key.file.password.stashfile directive indicates the stash file containing the encrypted keyfile password; use the ldapstash command to create this stash file.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.key.file.password.stashfile =d:\ <Key password file name>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default None
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Fully qualified path to the stash file.

Ldap.key.fileName directive

The ldap.key.fileName directive indicates the file name of the key file database. This option becomes required when you use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
Name Description
Syntax ldap.key.fileName=d:\<Key file name>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default None
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Fully qualified path to the key file.

Ldap.key.label directive

The ldap.key.file.password.stashfile directive indicates the certificate label name the Web server uses to authenticate to the LDAP server.
Name Description
Syntax My Server Certificate
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default None
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values A valid label used in the key database file. This label becomes required only when using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and the LDAP server requests client authentication from the Web server.

LdapReferralhoplimit directive

The LdapReferralHopLimit directive indicates the maximum number of referrals to follow. LDAP authentication will fail if the specified limit is exceeded.
Name Description
Syntax LdapReferralHopLimit = <number_of_hops>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default 10
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values 0 to 10
Set the LdapReferrals directive on to use the LdapReferralhoplimit directive. Important: An LdapReferralhoplimit value of 0 will cause authentication to fail if any referrals are encountered.

The LdapReferralhoplimit directive is not meaningful when the LdapReferrals directive is off (default).

LdapReferrals directive

The LdapReferrals directive indicates whether referrals (which redirect a client request to another LDAP server) will be chased for searches while performing LDAP queries.
Name Description
Syntax LdapReferrals = off | on
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default off
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values On or off

Ldap.realm directive

he ldap.key.realm directive indicates the name of the protected area, as seen by the requesting client.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.realm=<Protection Realm>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default None
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values A description describing the protected page. directive

The directive indicates the maximum time, in seconds, to wait for an LDAP server to complete a search operation.
Name Description
Syntax = <secs>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default 10
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Length of time, in seconds.

Ldap.transport directive

The ldap.transport directive indicates the transport method used to communicate with the LDAP server.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.transport = TCP
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default TCP
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values TCP or SSL

Ldap.url directive

The ldap.url directive indicates the URL of the LDAP server to authenticate against.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.url = ldap://<hostname:port>/<BaseDN>where:

  • hostname: Represents the host name of the LDAP server.

  • port: Represents the optional port number on which the LDAP server listens. The default for TCP connections is 389. You must specify the port number if you use SSL.

  • BaseDN: Provides the root of the LDAP tree in which to perform the search for users.

    For example: ldap.URL=ldap://< Industry, c=US>

Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default None
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes

Ldap.user.authType directive

The ldap.usr.authType directive indicates the method for authenticating the user requesting a Web server. Use this name as the user name when accessing an LDAP server.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.user.authType = BasicIfNoCert
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default Basic
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Basic, Cert, BasicIfNoCert

Ldap.user.cert.filter directive

The ldap.usr.cert.filter directive indicates the filter used to convert the information in the client certificate passed over Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to a search filter for and LDAP entry.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.user.cert.filter=(&(objectclass=person)(cn=%v1))
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default (&(objectclass=person) (cn=%v1, ou=%v2, o=%v3,c=%v4))
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values An LDAP filter.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates include the following fields, all of which we can convert to a search filter:

Certificate field Variable
common name %v1
organizational unit %v2
organization %v3
country %v4
locality %v5
state or country %v6
serial number %v7
When you generate the search filter, we can find the field values in the matching variable fields (%v1, %v2). The following table shows the conversion:

User certificate Filter conversion
Certificate cn=Road Runner, o=Acme Inc, c=US
Filter (cn=%v1, o=%v3, c=%v4)
Resulting query (cn=RoadRunner, o=Acme, Inc, c=US) directive

The directive indicates characters as valid field separator characters when parsing the user name into fields.
Name Description
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default The space, comma, and the tab (/t) character.
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Characters. If '/' represents the only field separator character and the user enters Joe Smith/Acme, then '%v2' equals Acme. directive

The directive indicates the filter used to convert the user name entered in a search filter for an LDAP entry.

Name Description
Syntax<user name filter>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default The ((objectclass=person) (cn=%v1 %v2)) string, where the %v1 variable and the %v2 variable represent characters that are entered by the user.

For example, if the user enters Paul Kelsey, the result is the ((objectclass=person)(cn=Paul Kelsey)) search filter.

However, because the web server cannot differentiate among multiple returned entries, authentication fails when the LDAP server returns more than one entry. For example, if the user creates the* %v2*)) filter and enters Pa Kel, the result is the (cn=Pa* Kel*) search filter . The filter finds multiple entries such as (cn=Paul Kelsey) and (cn=Paula Kelly) and authentication fails. You must modify your search filter.

Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values An LDAP filter.

Ldap.version directive

The ldap.version directive indicates the version of the LDAP protocol used to connect to the LDAP server. the protocol version used by the LDAP server determines the LDAP version.

Attention: This directive is optional.
Name Description
Syntax ldap.version=3
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default ldap.version=3
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values 2 or 3

Ldap.waitToRetryConnection.interval directive

The ldap.waitToRetryConnection.interval directive indicates the time the Web server waits between failed attempts to connect.

If an LDAP server goes down, the Web server continues to try to connect.

Name Description
Syntax ldap.waitToRetryConnection.interval=<secs>
Scope Single instance per directory stanza
Default 300
Module mod_ibm_ldap
Multiple instances in the configuration file yes
Values Time (in seconds)
