IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > Siebel Business Applications > Reference > Business object information

Application-specific information

Application-specific information is metadata that specifies how to process business objects for the adapter.

When the external service wizard generates a business object, it automatically generates a business object definition, which is saved as an XSD (XML Schema Definition) file. The business object definition contains the application-specific information for that business object. If you want to change the generated Application-specific information, you can modify the metadata values either from the Properties tab in the Java™ EE perspective of IBM Integration Designer or by using the business object editor.

The business object metadata is generated by the external service wizard at three levels: the business object level (for Siebel business services and Siebel business components), the property level, and the container attribute level.

Metadata at the business object level

Metadata at the business object level defines the top-level wrapper of the business object. The following tables describe the elements within business object metadata for Siebel business objects generated against Siebel business services and Siebel business objects generated against Siebel business components.

Metadata elements for business objects generated against Siebel business services
Metadata element Description
BSN The name of the business service that is used by the WebSphere Adapter business object.
EventMethod The event method to use when retrieving event data.
IC The name of the Siebel integration component that corresponds to the WebSphere Adapter business object.
IO The name of the Siebel integration object that corresponds to the WebSphere Adapter business object.

Metadata elements for business objects generated against Siebel business components
Metadata element Description
ComponentName The name of the Siebel business component that corresponds to the WebSphere Adapter business object.
ObjectName The name of the Siebel business object that corresponds to the WebSphere Adapter business object.

Property-level metadata

Property-level metadata represents either a child object or an array of child objects. The following tables describe the metadata elements of a complex property (a child) or a structure or table property (an array of child objects).

Property-level metadata elements generated against Siebel business services
Metadata element Description
FN=... Specifies the name of the field in the Siebel business component that corresponds to a WebSphere Adapter business object property.
ParamType Indicates whether the corresponding field on the Siebel end is input, output, or both.

Property-level metadata elements generated against Siebel business components
Metadata element Description
FieldName Specifies the name of the field in the Siebel business component that corresponds to a WebSphere Adapter business object property.
PickListKey Indicates that when a pick list key is specified, a simple attribute will be a PickList.


Specifies additional search criteria that can be set to limit the number and type of records that are retrieved.

Container attribute-level metadata

Container attribute-level metadata represents the data located at the container level of business object and components. The following table describes the metadata elements located at the container level for Siebel business objects and Siebel business components.

Container attribute-level metadata elements generated against Siebel business objects and Siebel business components
Metadata element Description
Association Specifies a 'many to many' relationship at the intersection table when set to true.
FieldName Identifies the field in the Siebel business component that corresponds to this property.
From=...;To=... Sets the preprocessing instructions for the adapter to process the To attribute value of the From attribute. The From attribute must be populated, and the To attribute value is valid only if it is null. This is used in Retrieve operations and specifies the child record to be fetched.
KeepRelations Specifies whether the child objects need to be deleted from the Siebel application. This is only used for Siebel business objects and Siebel business components. It is not used for Siebel business services and Siebel integration objects.
MultiValueLink Specifies that there is an active multi-value field on the parent object, which indicates an active multi-value link relationship between the parent and child object.
PickList Indicates a many to one relationship when set to true.
SiebelMessage Specifies the business service attribute to be used for input and output messages. This is used for Siebel business objects when an attribute represents a Siebel message complex argument. It is valid for both input and output messages, or when one argument is used for the input message and a different one is used for the output message.
SiebelMessageDataType Specifies whether the attribute is used as the input message, output message, or for both input and output messages. The valid options are Input, Output, and InOut.


Used with simple links to build a simple link relationship between the parent and child WebSphere Adapter business object. The SF, or source field, corresponds to the key attribute (ID) in the WebSphere Adapter parent business object. The DF, or destination field, is the foreign key field in the Siebel child business component. This corresponds to the child attribute with the field name value set to the foreign key field in the Siebel business component.
IOWrapper Specifies the business service attribute to be used for a wrapper, which contains multiple integration objects.

If the business object contains this attribute value, the adapter supports the business services to return different integration objects based on the different input parameters.

Business object information

Related reference:

Supported operations

Naming conventions