IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > Oracle E-Business Suite > Configure the module for deployment

Configure the module for inbound processing

To configure a module to use the adapter for inbound processing, use the external service wizard in IBM Integration Designer to find and select business objects and services from the Oracle database, and to generate business object definitions and related artifacts.

  1. Discovering database objects
    After configuring the connection properties, run a query to search for database objects. Browse through the discovered objects navigation tree to understand the structure of objects in the Oracle database and use filters to display only the database objects you want to see.
  2. Selecting and configuring business objects
    Using the list of database objects discovered by the external service wizard, and the query object templates you specified, continue using the wizard to select the database objects that you need to access in your module. Then provide the configuration information for your new business objects.
  3. Setting global properties for operations
    After you have selected database objects in the external service wizard, you need to specify properties that apply to all business objects.
  4. Setting deployment properties and generating the service
    After you select and configure the business objects for your module, use the external service wizard to configure properties that the adapter uses to connect to a specific database. The wizard creates a new business integration module where all the artifacts and property values are saved.
  5. Completing the configuration
    In some situations, manual configuration steps are needed to complete the configuration of your business objects.

Configure the module for deployment

Previous topic: Configure the module for outbound processing

Next topic: Configure the module for advanced queue integration

Related concepts:

Business object hierarchies

Inbound processing