IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > Oracle E-Business Suite > Configure the module for deployment > Configure the module for outbound processing

Discovering database objects

After connecting to the database, run a query to search for database objects. Browse through the discovered objects navigation tree to understand the structure of objects in the Oracle database and use filters to display only the database objects you want to see. Define how many business objects you want to create for user-defined database queries.

You must understand the data requirements of the program that requires to access the database.

For example, you need the following information about the database:

This task starts in the Find Objects in the Enterprise System window of the external service wizard.


  1. In the Find Objects in the Enterprise System window, click Edit Query. The Specify the Query Properties window is displayed.

    Use the Specify the Query Properties window to perform the following tasks:

    • Reduce the search time by searching a subset of database schemas
    • Omit one or more types of database objects from the search
    • Make the wizard prompt you for application-specific information that cannot be automatically determined based on information in the database

    • Specify the number of query business objects you want to create
    • Map the Oracle data types Date and Timestamp to date and dateTime

  2. To limit the number of database schemas that are retrieved, type the name of the schema or a name pattern in Schema name or pattern. Use the question mark or underscore (? or _) character to match a single character and the asterisk or percentage sign (* or %) to match multiple characters. Only schemas that start with that string or match that pattern are displayed when you run the query. If you do not specify a schema name pattern, all schemas in the database are displayed. Using a filter can speed up the discovery process if your database contains many schemas.

  3. To omit one or more types of objects from the search, select the types of objects that you want to omit (tables, views, stored procedures and stored functions, and synonyms or nicknames) in Supported database object types, and then click Remove.

    If you change your mind, click Add to add the object type back. If you require to access only specific types of database objects and speed the discovery process, omit the ones you do not need.

  4. The table, stored procedure, and stored function objects with the date and timestamp data types are mapped to the string data type by default. If you want to map these objects to the actual data types that are supported by the JDBC driver such as the date and datetime data types, select the Map Oracle JDBC Date/Timestamp types to date/dateTime check box.

    The default data type mapping differs based on the different Oracle JDBC driver versions, for example, the JDBC driver version ojdbc6.jar maps the Date to dateTime data type instead of mapping it to Date. In such cases, the appropriate data type must be manually selected in the Specify the Configuration Properties for 'object' window.

    If you want to customize the format of the Date and Timestamp data types in the Application Info section of the Properties view, clear the Map Oracle JDBC Date/Timestamp types to date/dateTime check box. Also, ensure that the data types are mapped to the default string data type in the Specify the Configuration Properties for 'object' window.

  5. Select the Prompt for additional configuration settings when adding business object check box. Then, when you add a database object to the list of business objects to create, the wizard automatically prompts you for all user-configurable application-specific information for the object.

    For example, if you select this option, the wizard guides you through the process of building a simple parent-child hierarchy of business objects. If you need a hierarchy, that a table business object has two attributes referring to attributes in two different tables (that is, it has two parent business objects), complete the configuration in the IBM Integration Designer assembly editor.

    If you do not select this option, the wizard prompts only for required information. You must complete the configuration of the business objects using the assembly editor.

  6. To create business objects to run the user-defined database queries, select Create a query business object to build user-defined Select statements and then type the number of query business objects you want to create. In the Query Properties window, specify only the number of query business objects you want to create; the wizard prompts for the name and other details about the business objects at a later time.

    You can create user-defined queries for various business requirements such as to track the interface status of the Oracle open interface table. The interface status ensures if the data transferred from the interface tables to the base tables is successful. The error code stored in the interface status column helps in troubleshooting any failure in data transfer.

  7. Click OK to save your changes to the database query.

  8. In the Find Objects in the Enterprise System window, click Run Query to use the query to discover database objects and to create a template for query business objects. The result of running a typical query is shown in the following figure.

    The Discovered objects pane lists the database objects that were discovered.

  9. In the Discovered objects list, click + (the plus sign) to expand a schema node and then expand Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, and Synonyms - Nicknames nodes beneath it, to see the database objects discovered by the wizard, or search a subset of each object type by using filtering.

    To limit the number of objects displayed for a particular object type, highlight a node but do not expand it. Click the Filtering icon. Use the question mark or underscore (? or _) character to match a single character, and the asterisk or percentage sign (* or %) to match multiple characters. Only object types, such as table or view, which start with that string or match that pattern are displayed under the node.

  10. Click + (the plus sign) to expand the node for Query Statements to display the template for query business objects.


The wizard displays the database objects you can access using the adapter and business object template for query business objects.

What to do next

Continue working in the external service wizard. The next step is to select the objects you want to use in your module, configure each business object, and create hierarchies of business objects.

Configure the module for outbound processing

Next topic: Selecting and configuring business objects

Related concepts:

RetrieveAll operation

Query business object overview