IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > JDBC > Configure the module for deployment > Configure the module for outbound processing

Setting global properties for operations and creating wrapper business objects

After you select database objects in the external service wizard, you need to define business objects for wrappers, and specify properties that apply to all business objects.


  1. When the Selected objects list in the Find Objects in the Enterprise System window contains all the business objects you want to use in your application, except for wrapper business objects, click Next.

  2. In the Specify Composite Properties window, review the list of operations.

    This window lists all the operations that the adapter supports for the outbound services for all business objects that you selected on the previous window. Not all operations are supported by each business object.

    For example, query business objects support only the RetrieveAll operation. Stored procedure and batch SQL business objects support only the Execute operation.

  3. To remove an operation that you do not need, select the operation name and click Remove. If you need to reinstate the operation, click Add and restore the deleted operation.

  4. To define the pattern for custom faults:

    1. In the Pattern for the Custom Business Faults area, click Add. The Add/Edit properties window is displayed.

    2. In the Pattern String field, define the fault pattern by typing a regular expression, for example ".*Record is locked*".

    3. In the Custom Fault Name field, type a fault name. This name is used to generate the .xsd file

      The Custom Fault Name must not be the same as the business object name, predefined faults xsd name, and other xsd names under Data Types of the module.

    4. Click Finish. During run time, the adapter returns a custom fault based on the user-defined regular expression.

      If the custom fault pattern string matches the predefined faults exception message, the custom fault is returned in precedence to the predefined faults.

  5. To create a wrapper business object:

    1. In the Wrapper object names area, click Add.

    2. In the Add Value window, type the name of your wrapper business object, and click OK. Do not use spaces. The name can contain national language characters.

    3. In the Table, view, synonym, or nickname child objects for the selected wrapper object area, click Add.

    4. In the Add Value window, select one or more business objects to include in the wrapper, and click OK.

    5. In the Service functions for selected wrapper object area, click Add.

    6. In the Add Value window, select one or more operations that you want to perform on the wrapper object and then click OK. The RetrieveAll and ApplyChanges operations are not listed because they do not apply to wrapper business objects.
    7. Repeat this procedure for each wrapper business object to create. The following figure shows the Specify Composite Properties window with two wrapper business objects defined. The window displays the properties of one wrapper business object at a time.

  6. In the Business object namespace field, accept the default namespace or type the full name of another namespace.

    The namespace is prefixed to the business object name to keep the business object schemas logically separated.

  7. Optional: In the Folder field, type the relative path to the folder where the generated business objects are to be stored.

    If you are creating multiple adapter artifacts within a module, ensure that you specify different business object folders for each adapter within the module.

    For example, if you are creating artifacts for Oracle, JDBC, SAP, and JDE within a module, you need to create different relative folders for each of these adapters. If you do not specify different relative folders, the existing artifacts are overwritten when you generate new artifacts.

  8. If you want a business graph to be created for each business object, select the Generate a business graph for each business object check box. Business graphs are needed only in these situations:

    • If you need to use the ApplyChanges operation

    • When adding business objects to a module created with a version of IBM Integration Designer earlier than version

    Select this option if you are adding business objects to a module that was created with an earlier version of IBM Integration Designer. Otherwise, you must rewire your interface.

  9. Optional: Specify advanced properties by clicking Advanced. Expand each of the advanced sections to review the properties.

    • RetrieveAll configuration properties

      The properties in the Specify how the adapter returns records for the RetrieveAll operation area are applicable only for the RetrieveAll operation. These properties are disabled if you remove the RetrieveAll operation in step 3.

      1. Select Return all records, if you want the RetrieveAll operation to return all records matching the query.

      2. Select Return specified number of records, and enter a value in the Maximum number of records to be returned field, if you want to specify how many records the RetrieveAll operation must return. The default value is 100. If the number of records retrieved from database exceeds the maximum records value you specified, the adapter returns an exception.

      3. Select Return specified number of records per page from the starting index, if you want the adapter to return records from the starting index that you specified.

      4. In the Starting index to return records field, specify the index from where the RetrieveAll operation must retrieve the records.

      5. In the Number of records per page field, specify the number of records to be retrieved from the starting index.

      To change the value of the Starting index to return records or Number of records per page property during run time, select the Generate a business graph for each business object check box. To change the properties dynamically at run time, see Changing interaction properties dynamically during run time.

    • UpdateAll configuration properties and DeleteAll configuration properties

      • If you want the adapter to return the RecordsNotFoundException when records in the database are not affected during the UpdateAll or DeleteAll operation, select the Return exception when no records are affected during this operation check box.

      This property is disabled if you remove both the UpdateAll and DeleteAll operations in step 3.

    • BatchCreate, BatchUpdate, and BatchDelete configuration properties

      • In the Batch size per database interaction, specify the number of business objects to be processed in one Batch operation. See batchSize.

      • Select the Skip exceptions on individual business objects check box, if you want to skip the exceptions thrown during Batch operations. See skipErrorsInBatch.

      • Select the Return all business objects in Batch Result check box, if you want the result business objects to be returned after the Batch operation is completed. See returnBOsInBatch.

  10. Click Next.


You have created wrapper business objects and provided information that applies to all business objects in the module.

What to do next

Continue working in the wizard. The next step is to specify deployment information to use at runtime and information for saving the service as a module.

Configure the module for outbound processing

Previous topic: Selecting and configuring business objects

Next topic: Setting deployment properties and generating the service