IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > FTP > Reference

Custom file splitting

You can implement a custom class containing the splitting logic. The adapter provides a Java™ interface for the class. WebSphere Adapter for FTP, version 7.5 supports additional splitting methods for the inbound process. Hence, there are two different interfaces available for the inbound and outbound process.

Interface for outbound operations

Use the interface for the outbound operations.

Following are the details of the interface:

public interface SplittingFunctionalityInterface extends Iterator{
		public int getTotalBOs(String filename) throws SplittingException;
public void setBODetails(String filename, int currentPosition, int totalBOs,   boolean includeEndBODelimiter) throws SplittingException;
	 	public void setSplitCriteria(String splitCriteria);
	 	public void setEncoding(String encoding);
	 	public void setLogUtils(LogUtils logUtils);
public boolean isSplitBySize()}

Interface for inbound operations

Use the interface for the inbound operations.

The custom splitting class for an inbound operation created in the earlier version of the adapter does not work with version 7.5.

Following are the details of the interface:

public interface InboundSplittingFunctionalityInterface{	
	public Hashtable getBOs(String filename,int quantity, long lastBO,long lastBOPos,boolean withDelim) throws SplittingException,MissingDataException; 
	public void setBODetails(String filename, long currentBO, long startPos, long endPos) throws SplittingException;
	public Object getBOContent();
	public boolean hasMoreBO();
	public void remove();
	public void setSplitCriteria(String splitCriteria);
	public void setEncoding(String encoding);
	public void setLogUtils(LogUtils logUtils);
	public boolean isSplitBySize();}

Reference information

Related concepts:

Inbound processing