IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > Flat Files > Troubleshooting and support

Support for global elements without wrapper

When global element without wrapper is used as input type, you need to take care of using the correct configuration described for the below listed scenarios to get the expected result.

Global element of named type without wrapper during outbound processing

When global element of named type without wrapper is used as input type in adapter outbound using UTF8XML Datahandler, the file is serialized with global element type name as root element name, instead of the global element name.

To serialize file to get the global element name as the root element name, you need to use the XML Datahandler and specify the global element name as the root element name in XML datahandler configuration.

Global element of anonymous type without wrapper

When global element of anonymous type without wrapper is used as input type in adapter inbound or outbound retrieve, the data object is emitted back to SCA component. When this data object is serialized, it returns the type name of dataobject as ‘globalelementname_._type'.

To get the correct data object type, in order to be used for a global element of anonymous type without wrapper, for inbound as well as outbound retrieve, you need to use the following code snippet.

The following sample code can be used to get the correct 
dataobject details for global element of anonymous type 
without wrapper, which is named as GlobalElementExample1.


import commonj.sdo.DataObject;
import commonj.sdo.Type;


public void emit(DataObject globalElementExample1) {
ServiceManager s = ServiceManager.INSTANCE;
BOFactory factory= (BOFactory) s.locateService
DataObject dobj= factory.createByElement
(globalElementExample1.getType().getURI(), "GlobalElementExample1");
final Type type = dobj.getType();
String typeName = type.getName();
if (typeName.endsWith("_._type"))
         typeName = typeName.substring(0, typeName.indexOf("_._type"));
BOXMLSerializer serializer = BOXMLSerializer)s.locateService
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
serializer.writeDataObject(globalElementExample1, type.getURI(), typeName, baos);
String bo = new String(baos.toByteArray());
System.out.println("bo : "+bo);}

Troubleshooting and support