IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Access external services with adapters > Configure and using adapters > IBM WebSphere Adapters > Flat Files > Troubleshooting and support

Out of memory exception

Out of memory exception error while polling large-size files during inbound processing


During inbound polling, the adapter fails to poll large-size files and generates an out of memory exception error.


If you split an event file by size, ensure that the SplitCriteria property contains a valid chunk value. A non-negative integer is considered as a valid chunk. If the value in the SplitCriteria property is not configured, the whole file is processed as a single business object and can throw exceptions with large-size files. When you specify the split size value, the file is processed in split sized chunks resulting in a successful poll. For more information about the splitting of files, see File splitting .

Out of memory exception error while retrieving large-size files during outbound processing


When retrieving content for large-size files during the retrieve operation, the adapter generates an out of memory exception error.


If an out of memory exception error is generated, it indicates that the machine configuration does not support processing of large-size files. For more information about the retrieve operation, see Retrieve operation .

Troubleshooting and support