IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Create processes in IBM Process Designer > Create user interfaces for business processes > Building Heritage Coaches > Configure Heritage Coach controls

Displaying a control based on the input value of another control

You can create a control that is displayed only when a related control is set to a specific value.

The following procedure illustrates how to create a control that is displayed only when a related control is set to a specific value. The Heritage Coach in this example is used by new employees to specify the benefits that they want. If the employee decides to participate in a 401K plan, the Heritage Coach displays an input field where the employee can indicate the percentage of his pay to contribute to the plan. Or, the employee can defer the decision to a later date.


  1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and then click the Coaches tab.

  2. Drag a List control from the palette onto the design area.

  3. In the properties for the control, type Do you want to contribute? in the Label text box.

  4. Click the Presentation option in the properties.
  5. Under the Manual Data section, click the Add button. With the Add button, create three Value-Display pairs, one for each list item option as shown in Table 1.

    Entries for the Value and Display Text fields
    Value Display Text
    true Yes
    false No
    defer Decide at a later date

  6. Drag a Text control from the palette onto the design area.

  7. In the properties for the control, type 401K Contribution % in the Label text box.

  8. Click the Visibility option in the properties.

  9. Select the Override Parent Visibility check box. Doing so allows you to change the default Visibility properties.

  10. From the Default Visibility drop-down list, select the Hidden (no access) for everyone option.

  11. Click the Depends on Control button. This creates a new override condition.
  12. Under the Control Dependent Visibility section, select the Required (full access) option from the Visibility drop-down list.

  13. From the Control list, specify the coach control the input value of which is to determine if the selected control is displayed to participants when the service runs. In this example, the control is the Do you want to contribute? List control.

  14. From the Operator list, select the ==(equals) operator.

  15. In the Value text box, type true. This is the value that you assigned to the Yes list option in step 5.

  16. Drag a Date Selector control from the palette onto the design area.

  17. In the properties for the control, type Date in the Label text box. Depending on the selection list choice, this can be the date of contribution or the date until a contribution decision is deferred.

  18. Click Visibility, and repeat the steps above to make the Date Selector dependent on the control Do you want to contribute?.

  19. From the Operator list, select the in operator.

  20. In the Value text box, type "{'true','defer'}". These are the values that you assigned to the Yes and Decide at a later date list options in step 5. The Date Selector will be displayed if either of these options is selected.
  21. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service to see how the Input and Date Selector controls are hidden and then shown according to the visibility rules you have specified.

Configure Heritage Coach controls

Related tasks:
Displaying a control to a specific group