IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Developing monitor models > What are monitor models? > Monitor XML schema definition (monitor.xsd) > XML schema (monitor.xsd) description


CounterType describes a counter that is part of a monitoring context. A counter holds an integer value that can be incremented, decremented, or set to zero by triggers. The type must always be set to the integer type defined in the XML Schema Datatypes specification.


Name Min-max Description
incrementedWhen 0 - n A reference to the trigger or inbound event that causes the counter to increment. incrementedWhen must refer to a valid trigger or inbound event in the same monitoring context or a descendant monitoring context.
decrementedWhen 0 - n A reference to the trigger or inbound event that causes the counter to decrement. decrementedWhen must refer to a valid trigger or inbound event in the same monitoring context or a descendant monitoring context.
setToZeroWhen 0 - n A reference to the trigger or inbound event that causes the counter to be set to 0. setToZeroWhen must refer to a valid trigger or inbound event in the same monitoring context or a descendant monitoring context.
description 0 - 1 A user-provided description of the counter type.


Name Required or optional Type Description
displayName Optional String The name to display in the Monitor Model editor and Business Monitor dashboards. If a displayName is not provided, the ID attribute is used.
id Required String The unique identifier of the counter. The ID field must be unique among all metrics, counters, and stopwatches contained in the monitoring context.
isSortable Optional Boolean Whether the counter can be used for sorting. The default is false.
type Required Integer The data type of the counter, which must be Integer.


  • The type attribute must be present and be xs:integer.

  • All references (in incrementedWhen, decrementedWhen, and setToZeroWhen) must exist.

  • All references (in incrementedWhen, decrementedWhen, and setToZeroWhen) must refer to triggers or inboundEvents.

  • All referenced triggers and inboundEvents must be in the current context or in a child context of the current context.

Schema definition

<xsd:complexType name="CounterType" >
        <xsd:extension base="mon:BaseMetricType">
            <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xsd:element name="incrementedWhen" type="mon:ReferenceType"
                    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                <xsd:element name="decrementedWhen" type="mon:ReferenceType"
                    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                <xsd:element name="setToZeroWhen" type="mon:ReferenceType"
                    minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

XML schema (monitor.xsd) description