IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Get started with IBM Integration Designer > Create a new project > Create modules and libraries

Comparing business objects in modules and libraries

You can compare modules and libraries to see the differences in the business objects. You can view, but not edit, the comparison file.

You can also compare business objects that are within WSDL files, commonly referred to as inline schemas. In this case, the business objects have decorators (

) indicating that they are inline schemas and not in separate files.

The comparison is viewable though not editable.


To compare business objects:

  1. Select the modules or libraries in the Business Integration view that you want to compare. Right-click the selected module or libraries and from the menu, click Compare Business Objects. The compare editor opens with the original and revised modules or libraries.

  2. When you select a business object, you can see its description in the Structural Changes pane and its references in the Referencing Components pane. Selecting any business object shows a description in the Structural Changes pane and its references in the Referencing Components pane. Copy Report to Clipboard places the comparison on the clipboard.

    Differences are distinguished by color.

    • Yellow indicates changes in business objects with the same name.
    • Red indicates business objects that were in one module or library and deleted in the other.
    • Green indicates business objects that were added to one module or library.

  3. To view information about a business object, right-click the object:

    1. To view identical business objects that have been changed in some way, right-click the object and click Open in Compare Editor. Icons in the top-right corner let you move to the previous or next difference.

    2. To see changes in the Business Object editor, right-click the object and click Show in Business Object Editor.

    3. To see references to and from other artifacts, right-click the object and click Show in References.

  4. In the top-right corner are some icons that qualify the business object comparison. From left-to-right, the left-most icon adds a qualification by namespace; that is, the business objects with the same namespace are compared. The next icon qualifies by file name and location, and then business object and name. To view information about business objects, click the following icons:

    1. To show only identical business objects that have been changed in some way, click Show Only Modified Business Objects.

    2. To show all business objects that have changes, such as new or deleted business objects that are included in the view, click Show Only Added, Deleted, and Modified Business Objects.

    3. To show business objects that have been added to one of the modules or libraries, click Show Only Added Business Objects.

    4. To show business objects that have been deleted from one of the modules or libraries, click Show Only Deleted Business Objects.

  5. You can swap the comparison view of the source and target libraries or modules. To swap the comparison view, click the following icon:

    • To place the comparison on the clipboard, click Copy Report to Clipboard.

Create modules and libraries