IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Importing external services from registries > Importing artifacts from an IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

Set up preferences to connect to an IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository

Before connecting to a registry, configure some preferences that specify where the registry is located.

Follow these steps to configure the preferences that specify where one or more registries are located.


  1. From the menu, select Window > Preferences. The Preferences window opens.

  2. Select IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository. On the right side beneath WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Servers, click Add. The Add WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Server window box opens.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the service registry. In the Query service host address field, enter the URL address of the IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository web service endpoint. If you do not know the URL address of the IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository web service endpoint, then contact your IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository administrator. In the Classification service host address field, enter the URL address of the IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Classification Service endpoint. If you do not know the URL address of the IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository endpoints, then contact your IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository administrator. In the Description field, you can enter a description of the service registry though it is not necessary.

  4. If your organization does not require any security to access the registry, then click Test Connection to see if you can connect to the registry. Could you connect? Then click OK and you are returned to the previous page with the connection information listed beneath WebSphere Service Registry and Repository servers. A check mark indicates if this is the default registry location. An edit button lets you edit the information now or later. A remove button lets you delete the registry. Click OK in the Preferences window to close the Preferences window.

  5. If your organization does require some security to access the registry, then select Enable security. Complete all the fields in a similar manner to the following screen capture. These fields include the userid and password of the web service. For encryption purposes, the fields also include the location of the key store file used for digital signatures, the key store type and key store password; and the location of the trust store file containing the public keys, the trust store type and the trust store password.

    When setting up this security, the information on your server can help with the key store and trust file locations such as in this securing communications information. Use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) if using security rather than the simpler and unsecure HTTP protocol. Finally, you can find important port number information on WebSphere servers in the following file:

    <WebSphere profile directory>/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt

    Your IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository administrator can also be of help in finding these security settings.

    Click Test Connection to see if you can connect to the registry. Could you connect? Then click OK and you are returned to the previous page with the connection information listed beneath WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Servers. A check mark indicates if this is the default registry location. Click OK in the Preferences window to close the Preferences window.

Importing artifacts from an IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository