IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Building mediation flows

Optimizing a mediation flow for team development

If a team of developers want to work concurrently on a mediation flow component, you can choose to save the mediation flow as multiple files to make synchronizing changes easier. A file is generated for each operation that has a flow. If each developer is assigned to implement a distinct set of operations, then each developer is only responsible for synchronizing his own files. Chances of conflicting changes are reduced, and developers can easily synchronize their work daily.

You can save a mediation flow as multiple files either when you create the mediation flow, or later from the properties of the existing flow:


  1. In the Business Integration view, right click and select File > New > Mediation Flow.

  2. Choose a module or mediation module to contain the mediation flow.

  3. Enter a name for the mediation flow.

  4. Click Next

  5. Select the source interfaces and target references.

  6. Click Next

  7. Choose the option Save the mediation flow as multiple files. Click OK.

  8. In the mediation flow editor, click the canvas and switch to the Properties view. In the Description page, you can see that the flow has been saved as a multiple file, and from there you can choose to save the flow as a single file.

    1. Click the link shown previously to change the mediation flow development option. The Mediation Flow Development Option page appears.

    2. Select Save the mediation flow as a single file.

    3. Click Finish.
    Similarly, for flows that have been saved as single files, you can choose to save them as multiple files.
  9. By default, new mediation flows are saved as single files.

    You can optionally change the default in the preferences page:

    1. Go to Window > Preferences
    2. Under Business Integration, navigate to Mediation Flow Editor

    3. Select the check box Save new mediation flow as multiple files.


Building mediation flows