IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Services and service-related functions > Building mediation flows > Changing the value of mediation flow properties at run time

Promoted properties

A property that is marked promoted in the mediation flow editor is a property whose value the administrator can change at run time.

The values of promoted properties can be modified at run time in the administrative console or in mediation policies.

Each promoted property must have a unique name, which is called the alias of the property. An alias has a name, a type, and a value.


When you promote a property, the default name of the alias is created by concatenating the primitive and property names.

For example, if you promote the Root property of a primitive named ErrorLog, the default name of the alias is ErrorLog.root. You can change the default name of the alias, and you can use the same alias name for multiple promoted properties as long as they are of the same type.


The type of the property, such as boolean for the validate input property, String for the table name property in the Database Lookup primitive, or XPath for the root property.


The value assigned to an alias. Promoted properties that use the same alias name will all use the same value as well.

For example, suppose you have an Mapping Transformation named TransformMe and a Message Logger named ErrorLog. You promote the validate input property of both primitives and give it the alias name TurnValidateOn. By default, validate input is false. If you change the value of the alias TurnValidateOn to true, the value changes for the property of both primitives. After you promote a property, you can change its value only from the Promotable Properties page.

Only those properties that are identified as promotable by the mediation primitive developer are available for promotion in the Promotable Properties page.

Changing the value of mediation flow properties at run time