IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Developing business processes > Building BPEL processes > Defining BPEL process logic > Adding an activity to a BPEL process > Modeling human workflows > Adding a collaboration scope


Case handling is a new paradigm for handling knowledge-intensive business flows. It seeks to combine operational flexibility with well-defined procedures.

A "case" is the product of a workflow or part of a workflow. A case can be any number of things including:

While there is essentially no limit on the type of BPEL process that can be handled as a case, it is ideally suited to situations where the task owner uses their knowledge to adapt the BPEL process.

For example, the task owner can:

In all these examples, the task owners knowledge and experience is being leveraged. The case model is an attempt to create workflows that are well-defined but which give flexibility to the staff involved to adapt the flow to the business needs. Such BPEL processes are referred to as "enhanced dynamic workflows".

The "collaboration scope" activity is the preferred tool for the case paradigm.

Adding a collaboration scope

Related tasks:
Work with structured activities

Related reference:
Administration tab: BPEL process editor