IBM Business Process Manager, V8.0.1, All platforms > Reference > Commands and scripts > Command-line utilities

configureNode command-line utility

The configureNode command creates or extends a typical network deployment environment.



Use the configureNode command to create a typical network deployment environment, instead of using the Profile Management Tool and Deployment Environment wizard or the manageprofiles and wsadmin commands.

You can also use configureNode to extend an existing deployment environment that was created using the configureNode command.

Restriction: This command is not supported if your database type is DB2 for z/OS .

If both response files are provided and no deployment manager is present, a deployment manager and a Process Center or Process Server custom node are created. If the deployment manager response file is provided and no deployment manager is present, a deployment manager is created. If the custom node response file is provided, a new custom node is created and added to the deployment environment.

Messages are recorded in the file install_root/logs/config/configureNode.log.

For additional logging information, add the environment variable configureNodeDebug with the value true.

Restriction: Run configureNode commands sequentially; do not try to run the command on multiple machines at the same time.


-dmgr_response dmgr_properties_file

Provides the deployment manager properties file. If the deployment manager does not exist on the local node, the command creates it.

-response node_properties_file

Provides the custom node properties file for adding a custom node to the deployment environment.

The following usage rules apply:

The default port is used to create the deployment manager. If a deployment manager is already running on the machine when you run configureNode, creating the deployment environment fails. If a deployment manager has already been created but is not running, you must change the port of one of the deployment managers or you might get a port conflict error when you start the other deployment manager.

Deployment manager file properties

The sample deployment manager properties files are found in the following directory: install_root/util/ndUtils/samples/. The following tables provide the required and optional properties for the deployment manager properties file.

Important: You must have already installed the database software and created the databases (but do not create tables). You must also have created all the users (especially for SQL Server and Oracle) that you specify in the properties file. You can create the databases manually or by using the following SQL scripts:

Important: If you are using Oracle, you must include the user name and password for each component listed in the following table. The user name must be different for each component.

Property Description
server.type The value must be PCS (for Process Center) or PS (for Process Server).
nodeName Name of the deployment manager node.
hostName The host name of the deployment manager machine.

Do not set this name to localhost because it will be used remotely.

adminUserName The user name for the primary administrator.
adminPassword The password for the primary administrator, either in clear text or encrypted.
environment.type Required for Process Server installations. The value must be Test, Stage, or Production.
dbType Database type. The value must be DB2, Oracle, or SQLServer.
dbServerName Database host name.
dbPortNumber Database port number.
prcsvr.dbName Process Server database name. Must be different from the Performance Warehouse database name.
prcsvr.dbUserName Process Server database user name.
prcsvr.dbPassword Process Server database user password, either in clear text or encrypted.
perfDW.dbName Performance Data Warehouse database name. Must be different from the Process Server database name.
perfDW.dbUserName Performance Data Warehouse database user name.
perfDW.dbPassword Performance Data Warehouse database user password, either in clear text or encrypted.
cmn.dbName Required for IBM BPM Advanced. Common database name.
cmn.dbUserName Required for IBM BPM Advanced. Common database user name.
cmn.dbPassword Required for IBM BPM Advanced. Common database user password, either in clear text or encrypted.
bpc.dbName Required for IBM BPM Advanced. Business Process Choreographer database name.
bpc.dbUserName Required for IBM BPM Advanced. Business Process Choreographer database user name.
bpc.dbPassword Required for IBM BPM Advanced. Business Process Choreographer database password, either in clear text or encrypted.

The Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) database, application bus database, and system bus database are normally part of the common database. If you want to use separate messaging engine databases for management or performance reasons, you can use the properties in the optional table to set up separate databases.

Property Description Default Value
install.type The configuration type, either IBM BPM Standard or IBM BPM Advanced. Standard or Advanced. IBM BPM Standard can use only Standard.IBM BPM Advanced can use either Advanced or Standard (for proof of concept or development testing that does not require any Advanced capability).
initialPortAssignment The starting port number to be used while configuring ports. The ports are assigned in sequence using this as the starting port for the deployment manager profile.
processCenterURL Process Server only. The URL for the Process Server to use to connect to the Process Center. If you provide values for the processCenterURL, repository.user, and repository.credential properties, the Process Server can link with the Process Center automatically after it is created. Otherwise, the Process Server is not associated with a Process Center, but you can manually associate it with a Process Center later.
repository.user Process Server only. The name that is used to access the Process Center. If you specify a URL, name, and password, the Process Server is associated with a Process Center.
repository.credential Process Server only. The password that is used to access the Process Center, either in clear text or encrypted. If you specify a URL, name, and password, the Process Server is associated with a Process Center. The name of the supporting infrastructure cluster. If you do not specify a name, the system creates a default name. The name of the application deployment target cluster. If you do not specify a name, the system creates a default name. The name of the messaging infrastructure cluster. If you do not specify a name, the system creates a default name. The name of the web application cluster. If you do not specify a name, the system creates a default name.
dbWinAuth Whether to use Windows authentication for SQL Server. false
cmn.dbSchemaName IBM BPM Advanced only. Common database schema name. Empty string. For Oracle databases, the schema name is the user name.
bpc.dbSchemaName IBM BPM Advanced only. Business Process Choreographer database schema name. CMNBE00. For Oracle databases, the schema name is the user name.
prcsvrME.dbName Process Server messaging engine database name. The value of prcsvr.dbName.
prcsvrME.dbUserName Process Server messaging engine database user name. The value of prcsvr.dbUserName. For Oracle databases, this value is required and must be unique.
prcsvrME.dbPassword Process Server messaging engine database password. The value of prcsvr.dbPassword. For Oracle databases, this value is required.
prcsvrME.dbSchemaName Process Server messaging engine database schema name. BPMPRS00. For Oracle databases, the schema name is the user name.
perfDWME.dbName Performance Data Warehouse messaging engine database name. The value of perfDW.dbName
perfDWME.dbUserName Performance Data Warehouse messaging engine database user name. The value of perfDW.dbUserName. For Oracle databases, this value is required and must be unique.
perfDWME.dbPassword Performance Data Warehouse messaging engine database password. The value of perfDW.dbPassword. For Oracle databases, this value is required.
perfDWME.dbSchemaName Performance Data Warehouse messaging engine database schema name. BPMPER00. For Oracle databases, the schema name is the user name.
bpcME.dbName IBM BPM Advanced only. Business Process Choreographer messaging engine database name. The value of bpc.dbName.
bpcME.dbUserName IBM BPM Advanced only. Business Process Choreographer messaging engine database user name. The value of bpc.dbUserName. For Oracle databases, this value is required and must be unique.
bpcME.dbPassword IBM BPM Advanced only. Business Process Choreographer messaging engine database password. The value of prcsvr.dbPassword. For Oracle databases, this value is required.
bpcME.dbSchemaName IBM BPM Advanced only. Business Process Choreographer messaging engine schema name. BPMPRS00. For Oracle databases, the schema name is the user name.
ceiME.dbName IBM BPM Advanced only. Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) messaging engine database name. The value of cmn.dbName.
ceiME.dbUserName IBM BPM Advanced only. CEI messaging engine database user name. The value of cmn.dbUserName. For Oracle databases, this value is required and must be unique.
ceiME.dbPassword IBM BPM Advanced only. CEI messaging engine database password. The value of cmn.dbPassword. For Oracle databases, this value is required.
ceiME.dbSchemaName IBM BPM Advanced only. CEI messaging engine database schema name. CMNCM00. For Oracle databases, the schema name is the user name.
appME.dbName IBM BPM Advanced only. Application bus messaging engine database name. The value of cmn.dbName.
appME.dbUserName IBM BPM Advanced only. Application bus messaging engine database user name. The value of cmn.dbUserName. For Oracle databases, this value is required and must be unique.
appME.dbPassword IBM BPM Advanced only. Application bus messaging engine database password. The value of cmn.dbPassword. For Oracle databases, this value is required.
appME.dbSchemaName IBM BPM Advanced only. Application bus messaging engine database schema name. CMNSA00. For Oracle databases, the schema name is the user name.
sysME.dbName IBM BPM Advanced only. System bus messaging engine database name. The value of cmn.dbName.
sysME.dbUserName IBM BPM Advanced only. System bus messaging engine database user name. The value of cmn.dbUserName. For Oracle databases, this value is required and must be unique.
sysME.dbPassword IBM BPM Advanced only. System bus messaging engine database password. The value of cmn.dbPassword. For Oracle databases, this value is required.
sysME.dbSchemaName IBM BPM Advanced only. System bus messaging engine database schema name. CMNSS00. For Oracle databases, the schema name is the user name.
bspace.dbName IBM BPM Advanced only. Business Space database name. The value of cmn.dbName.
bspace.dbUserName IBM BPM Advanced only. Business Space database user name. The value of cmn.dbUserName. For Oracle databases, this value is required and must be unique.
bspace.dbPassword IBM BPM Advanced only. Business Space database password. The value of cmn.dbPassword. For Oracle databases, this value is required.
bspace.dbSchemaName IBM BPM Advanced only. Business Space database schema name. IBMBUSSP. For Oracle databases, the schema name is the user name.

Custom node file properties

The sample custom node properties files are found in the following directory: install_root/util/ndUtils/samples/. The following tables provide the required and optional properties for the custom node properties file.

Property Description
nodeName The name of the node for the custom profile.
server.type The value must be PCS (for Process Center) or PS (for Process Server). The number of supporting infrastructure clusters to install on this node. The number must be between 1 and 10.
install.cluster.AppTarget The number of application deployment target clusters to install on this node. The number must be between 1 and 10.
install.cluster.message The number of messaging infrastructure clusters to install on this node. The number must be between 1 and 10.
install.cluster.web Required for IBM BPM Advanced. The number of web application clusters to install on this node. The number must be between 1 and 10.
dbType Database type. The value must be DB2, Oracle, or SQLServer.
dmgr.hostName The host name of the deployment manager machine.
dmgr.adminUserName The user name for the deployment manager administrator.
dmgr.adminPassword The password for the deployment manager administrator.

Property Description Default Value
install.type The configuration type, either IBM BPM Standard or IBM BPM Advanced. Standard for IBM BPM Standard, Advanced for IBM BPM Advanced
dbWinAuth Whether to use Windows authentication for SQL Server. false
initialPortAssignment The starting port number to be used for configuring ports for a custom profile. The port specified here is used for the default custom starting port. The starting port number to be used for configuring ports for a support cluster. The port specified here is used for the default support starting port.
cluster.AppTarget.initialPortAssignment The starting port number to be used for configuring ports for an AppTarget cluster. The port specified here is used for the default AppTarget starting port.
cluster.message.initialPortAssignment The starting port number to be used for configuring ports for a message cluster. The port specified here is used for the default message starting port.
cluster.web.initialPortAssignment The starting port number to be used for configuring ports for a web cluster. The port specified here is used for the default web cluster starting port.
dmgr.web.initialPortAssignment The starting port number to be used for configuring ports for the deployment manager profile. The port specified here is used for the default deployment manager profile starting port.


Creates a new deployment manager and custom node: install_root/util/ndUtils/configureNode.bat -dmgr_response -response

Creates a new deployment manager: install_root/util/ndUtils/configureNode.bat -dmgr_response

Extends the deployment environment with a new custom node: install_root/util/ndUtils/ -response

Generated resource names

The configureNode command creates resource names, including the cell name, based on the information in the properties files.

Parent topic: Command-line utilities

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Encrypt passwords

Related information:

configureNode examples