IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Troubleshooting and support > Troubleshooting installation and configuration

Installing a snapshot fails when single sign-on has been configured

Installing a snapshot from IBM Process Center to IBM Process Server can fail if single sign-on has been configured.

If you receive a message similar to the following one in your Process Center systemOut.log file after installing a snapshot then it is an indication that your single sign-on configuration needs to be updated.

8/29/12 2:35:14:235 EDT] 00001a91 HttpMethodBas W org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase processCookieHeaders Cookie rejected: "$Version=0; LtpaToken=Mj0K0SVfNfOK6r6+Oy6sDNAeIw0IKn5ghkYNA8KFUZuTy2SuI3bgE/EmquYoznVI3SakYJ9J3QfyqLR80/b9k46hioz/qBRGZgh7ZpMv7GE5DCKjuSkHganqoZKvIBseI222h6zDC8Ea0jelJWAc7IQEqH0Pgpg5hJOmdt258llWxuSL9scuz+leejgDnSJE3kzThjSMvBlxYbk6J7DF8OiTHguxSwlNS25Deud11mN3MI1L1O7vFx3FzEQ6PLdKi+4d8HYQ48755KjzNO1f4Q1/MywQWRCvXQszugmid/5batRcpgS998Hhe44OuibLeElViY+jsYQ31u/qpIB9s8yni7fx8c/k; $Path=/; $". Domain attribute "" violates RFC 2109: host minus domain may not contain any dots [8/29/12 2:35:14:237 EDT] 00001a91 AbstractSuppo I CWLLG0154I: v1 of the clone Remote login succeeded. [8/29/12 2:35:14:248 EDT] 00001a91 AbstractSuppo I CWLLG0714I: v1 of the clone Sending export. [8/29/12 2:35:14:950 EDT] 00001a91 AbstractSuppo E CWLLG0155E: v1 of the clone Installation failed. [8/29/12 2:35:15:005 EDT] 00001a91 GovernanceSer E com.lombardisoftware.server.ejb.governance.GovernanceEventServiceCore deploySnapshotFromGovernance CWLLG3512E: Governance service 'Install Snapshot' failed due the following error: 'CWLLG0155E:The install failed. Check server logs on APSEN01 for more information.'

To correct the problem, fully qualify the domain name in your single sign-on configuration on WebSphere Application Server.

For example, instead of using as the domain, use

If Lightweight Third-Party Authentication (LTPA) is being used, you may also want to re-import the LTPA keys into WebSphere Application Server.

: Troubleshooting installation and configuration