IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Troubleshooting and support > Troubleshooting installation and configuration

Installing a snapshot fails after message confirms installation

Installing a snapshot on IBM Process Center has a message that confirms the snapshot is installed and then moments later issues a message claiming the installation failed.

You may see the following sequence of messages in Process Center when you are installing a snapshot. First you see Installation is progressing which is followed by Currently installed. After these messages comes another message Installation terminated with an exception.

This sequence can happen when you are using IBM BPM Advanced. During the installation of a snapshot on a process server, the content of the snapshot is first imported into the process server and then the advanced artifacts, such as SCA modules and libraries, are deployed to the process server if they are present. If this advanced deployment of a snapshot fails, you receive message CWLLG2163E, which indicates that the process application snapshot content is imported on the process server but advanced content failed to install. You can attempt to install the advanced content of the same snapshot again from the Process Admin Console by activating the snapshot.

: Troubleshooting installation and configuration