IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Manage assets in the Process Center repository > Manage the Process Center repository > Applying governance

Changing a governance application

You can create a governance process to replace the default governance for a snapshot.

In IBM BPM, governance is always enabled, but the default implementations impose no constraints on installation or status change. You can provide a governance process to require notifications or approvals when a snapshot is installed on a server or when a snapshot changes status. To put this new process into use, replace the existing governance process with your new one. For information about how to create governance processes, see the related links.

When a governance process snapshot is being used for governance by a process application, you cannot change the status of the governance process snapshot until one of the following conditions is met:

When an administrator changes the association of a governance business process definition (BPD), process instances already running continue to run unless an administrator terminates the instance. For that reason, terminate or complete the running instances before changing a governance assignment.


  1. Terminate or complete the running instances of the snapshot that is under governance by the process that you are going to change.

  2. Log in to Process Center using an ID that has administrative authority for the process application for which you want to provide governance.
  3. Open the process application for which you want to apply governance. If you are applying governance for status changes to a snapshot, you can open a process application or a toolkit.

  4. Choose the governance process that you want to replace and click the Change link beside it. A window opens where you can choose the governance process that you want to use as a replacement. You can see a list of governance processes available for use. The list includes only released processes with a dependency on the System Governance toolkit for the current version. You can sort the list of governance processes by name or creation date.

  5. Choose the governance process that you want to use and click OK.


In Process Center, click the History tab. You will see a new event that indicates that the change was made.

Applying governance to a process application

Related tasks:
Applying a governance BPD to a process application or snapshot
Migrating a governance process from V8.0.0
Create a governance process for installing a process application
Create a governance process for the status of a snapshot
Create a governance BPD that installs a snapshot when the status changes
Testing a governance process
Export and importing a process application that uses customized governance
Recovering if a process application under governance fails to install

Related reference:
Governance services