SourceOffSite Tasks User Manual
by Version 1.1 2002/01/23
These tasks provide an interface to the Microsoft Visual SourceSafe SCM via SourceGear's SourceOffSite product. SourceOffSite is an add-on to Microsoft's VSS, that allows remote development teams and tele-commuters that need fast and secure read/write access to a centralized SourceSafe database via any TCP/IP connection. SOS provides Linux ,Solaris & Windows clients. The
package consists of a simple framework to support SOS functionality as well as some Apache Ant tasks encapsulating frequently used SOS commands. Although it is possible to use these commands on the desktop, they were primarily intended to be used by automated build systems. These tasks have been tested with SourceOffSite version 3.5.1 connecting to VisualSourceSafe 6.0. The tasks have been tested with Linux, Solaris & Windows2000.The Tasks
sosget Retrieves a read-only copy of the specified project or file. soslabel Assigns a label to the specified project. soscheckin Updates VSS with changes made to a checked out file or project, and unlocks the VSS master copy. soscheckout Retrieves a read-write copy of the specified project or file, locking the VSS master copy
Task Descriptions
Task to perform GET commands with SOS
Attribute Values Required soscmd Directory which contains soscmd(.exe)
soscmd(.exe) must be in the path if this is not specifiedNo vssserverpath path to the srcsafe.ini - eg. \\server\vss\srcsafe.ini Yes sosserverpath address & port of the SOS server - eg. Yes projectpath SourceSafe project path - eg. $/SourceRoot/Project1 Yes file Filename to act upon
If no file is specified then act upon the projectNo username SourceSafe username Yes password SourceSafe password No localpath Override the working directory and get to the specified path No soshome The path to the SourceOffSite home directory No nocompress true or false - disable compression No recursive true or false - Only works with the GetProject command No version a version number to get - Only works with the GetFile command No label a label version to get - Only works with the GetProject command No nocache true or false - Only needed if SOSHOME is set as an environment variable No verbose true or false - Status messages are displayed No Example
<sosget verbose="true" recursive="true" username="build" password="build" localpath="tmp" projectpath="$/SourceRoot/project1" sosserverpath="" vssserverpath="d:\vss\srcsafe.ini"/>Connects to a SourceOffsite server on with build,build as the username & password. The SourceSafe database resides on the same box as the SOS server & the VSS database is at "d:\vss\srcsafe.ini" Does a recursive GetProject on $/SourceRoot/project1, using tmp as the working directory.
Task to perform Label commands with SOS
Attribute Values Required soscmd Directory which contains soscmd(.exe)
soscmd(.exe) must be in the path if this is not specifiedNo vssserverpath path to the srcsafe.ini - eg. \\server\vss\srcsafe.ini Yes sosserverpath address and port of the SOS server - eg. Yes projectpath SourceSafe project path - eg. $/SourceRoot/Project1 Yes username SourceSafe username Yes password SourceSafe password No label The label to apply to a project Yes comment A comment to be applied to all files being labeled No verbose true or false - Status messages are displayed No Example
<soslabel username="build" password="build" label="test label" projectpath="$/SourceRoot/project1" sosserverpath="" vssserverpath="d:\vss\srcsafe.ini"/>Connects to a SourceOffsite server on with build,build as the username & password. The SourceSafe database resides on the same box as the SOS server & the VSS database is at "d:\vss\srcsafe.ini". Labels the $/SourceRoot/project1 project with "test label".
Task to perform CheckIn commands with SOS
Attribute Values Required soscmd Directory which contains soscmd(.exe)
soscmd(.exe) must be in the path if this is not specifiedNo vssserverpath path to the srcsafe.ini - eg. \\server\vss\srcsafe.ini Yes sosserverpath address and port of the SOS server - eg. Yes projectpath SourceSafe project path - eg. $/SourceRoot/Project1 Yes file Filename to act upon
If no file is specified then act upon the projectNo username SourceSafe username Yes password SourceSafe password No localpath Override the working directory and get to the specified path No soshome The path to the SourceOffSite home directory No nocompress true or false - disable compression No recursive true or false - Only works with the CheckOutProject command No nocache true or false - Only needed if SOSHOME is set as an environment variable No verbose true or false - Status messages are displayed No comment A comment to be applied to all files being checked in No Example
<soscheckin username="build" password="build" file="foobar.txt" verbose="true" comment="comment abc" projectpath="$/SourceRoot/project1" sosserverpath="server1:8888" vssserverpath="\\server2\vss\srcsafe.ini"/>Connects to a SourceOffsite server on server1:8888 with build,build as the username & password. The SourceSafe database resides on a different box (server2) & the VSS database is on a share called "vss". Checks-in only the "foobar.txt" file adding a comment of "comment abc". Extra status messages will be displayed on screen.
Task to perform CheckOut commands with SOS
Attribute Values Required soscmd Directory which contains soscmd(.exe)
soscmd(.exe) must be in the path if this is not specifiedNo vssserverpath path to the srcsafe.ini - eg. \\server\vss\srcsafe.ini Yes sosserverpath address and port of the SOS server - eg. Yes projectpath SourceSafe project path - eg. $/SourceRoot/Project1 Yes file Filename to act upon
If no file is specified then act upon the projectNo username SourceSafe username Yes password SourceSafe password No localpath Override the working directory and get to the specified path No soshome The path to the SourceOffSite home directory No nocompress true or false - disable compression No recursive true or false - Only works with the CheckOutProject command No nocache true or false - Only needed if SOSHOME is set as an environment variable No verbose true or false - Status messages are displayed No
<soscheckout soscmd="/usr/local/bin" verbose="true" username="build" password="build" projectpath="$/SourceRoot/project1" sosserverpath="" vssserverpath="\\server2\vss\srcsafe.ini"/>Connects to a SourceOffsite server on server1:8888 with build,build as the username & password. The SourceSafe database resides on a different box (server2) & the VSS database is on a share called "vss". Checks-out "project1", Only the "project1" directory will be locked as the recursive option was not set. Extra status messages will be displayed on screen. The soscmd(.exe) file to be used resides in /usr/local/bin.