Administer with the HTTP command interface
With the HTTP command interface, we can run operations on your appliance, configure appliance settings, and administer data grids, collectives, and zones.
Use the HTTP command interface to run operations with HTTP POST JSON statements. We can combine these statements into scripts to automate configuration and administration tasks.
- View the available commands for the HTTP command interface in the user interface.
To view a table of all the available commands in the user interface, click
(Help) > HTTP Command Interface Help. After you click a command name, we can view the Detailed Usage and Example JSON Submission.
- Create a JSON statement for the operation to run. This statement must contain:
- The command we want to run.
- The appropriate parameters for the command.
For example you might use the following command in the cURL tool:
curl -v \ -k \ -u XC_ADMIN_USER:XC_ADMIN_PWD \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data-binary "HTTP_INTERFACE_JSON_STATEMENT" https://XC10_HOST_NAME/resources/appTaskInterfaceDefine the following variables:
- Specifies the user name and password for the WebSphere DataPower XC10 appliance administrator.
- Specifies one of the possible JSON statements submitted to the HTTP command interface.
- Specifies the full host name or IP address of the WebSphere DataPower XC10 appliance.
- Run the command and view output.