3.8.4 Monitoring MBeans statistics with wsadmin


3.8.4 Monitoring MBeans statistics with wsadmin

Managed beans (MBeans) can be used to track statistics in the eXtreme scale environment. When eXtreme Scale is deployed with WebSphere Application Server, the wsadmin tool can be used perform the following tasks:

Get a reference to the eXtreme Scale MBeans using the AdminControl scripting object

Invoke the exposed operations on eXtreme Scale MBeans using AdminControl scripting object

Example 3-1 shows a code sample that accesses managed beans to get statistics for a cache instance. The sample was run using the wsadmin tool.

Example 3-1 Statistics using MBean

nodeSpecification = ",node=" + nodeName

queryString = "type=DynaCache,process=" + serverName + nodeSpecification + ",*"

mbean = AdminControl.queryNames(queryString)

cacheInstances = AdminControl.invoke(mbean,"getCacheInstanceNames").split(linesep)

stats = AdminControl.invoke(mbean, "getAllCacheStatistics", cacheInstance).split(linesep)

In the example the following variables were used:

nodeName is the node name where application is deployed

serverName is the sever name for which statistics are being collected

In our lab, we used a sample script called DynaCacheStatisticsCSV.py that collects cache statistics using MBeans and stores the data in a file as a comma-separated value (CSV) file. Example 3-2 shows how to use this script to collect cache statistics. The output of the script is a CSV file where data is written every ten seconds. We used baseCache as the cache instance, which is the default cache instance in WebSphere Application Server. You can modify this command according to the environment.

Obtaining the sample script: The DynaCacheStatisticsCSV.py script is available for download at:


Example 3-2 Dynacache statistics script

wsadmin -user wasadmin -password wasadmin -lang jython -f DynaCacheStatisticsCSV.py server1 dyna_cache.log  "-cacheInstance baseCache -sleepUnit seconds -sleepInterval 10"

*sys-package-mgr*: processing modified jar, 'C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\wsobjectgrid.jar'

*sys-package-mgr*: processing modified jar, 'C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\lib\wsogclient.jar'

WASX7209I: Connected to process "dmgr" on node deepkhanCellManager01 using SOAP connector;  The type of process is: DeploymentManager

WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: "[server1, dy

na_out.log, -cacheInstance baseCache -sleepUnit seconds -sleepInterval 10]"

['-cacheInstance', 'baseCache', '-sleepUnit', 'seconds', '-sleepInterval', '10']


       serverName= server1




       fileName= dyna_out.log

       nodeName= thinkNode01

       instanceName= baseCache

       sleepUnit= seconds

       sleepInterval= 10

          sleepMilliseconds= 10000

       fileAppend= false

instance: baseCache

The graphical presentation shown in Figure 3-19 was created using the CSV file output using the graphing capability of a spreadsheet. It shows substantial increase in cache hits after the data is available as cache entries.

Figure 3-19 Graphical presentation of cache statistics

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