WebSphere eXtreme Scale Administration Guide > Install and deploy WebSphere eXtreme Scale > Integrate WebSphere eXtreme Scale with WebSphere Application Server > Create and augment profiles for WebSphere eXtreme Scale

Use the graphical user interface to augment profiles

After you install the product, you can augment an existing profile to make it compatible with WebSphere eXtreme Scale.

Before you begin

If you are running WebSphere Application Server v6.0.2 or WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v6.0.2, use the wasprofile command to create or augment a profile for WebSphere eXtreme Scale as shown in the following example:

install_root/bin/wasprofile.sh -augment -profileName dmgr_01 
-templatePath "WAS_HOME/AppServer/profileTemplates/xs_augment/dmgr"

See the wasprofile command in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center for more information.

When you augment an existing profile, you change the profile by applying a product-specific augmentation template. For example, WebSphere eXtreme Scale servers do not start automatically unless the server profile is augmented with the xs_augment template.


Use the Profile Management Tool GUI to augment profiles for eXtreme Scale. Choose one of the following options to start the wizard:

What to do next

You can augment additional profiles.

To restart the Profile Management tool, run the ./pmt.sh command from the install_root/bin/ProfileManagement directory, or select Profile Management Tool in the First steps console.

Start a catalog service, start containers, and configure TCP ports in the WebSphere Application Server environment. See Administer WebSphere eXtreme Scale with WebSphere Application Server for more information.

Parent topic

Create and augment profiles for WebSphere eXtreme Scale

Related reference

manageprofiles command


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