IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > WL server administration > TroubleshootingConfigure Liberty Profile server.xml for Oracle manually
IBM Worklight V5.0.5. automatically configures the databases. However, if you are using an older version of IBM Worklight, or if you are experiencing problems with the automatic configuration process for Liberty Profile on Oracle, manually set up and configure your Oracle database and then the Liberty Profile for Oracle.Complete the Oracle database setup procedure before continuing.
- Add the Oracle JDBC Driver JAR file to...
If that directory does not exist, create it.
- If you are using JNDI, configure the data sources in...
$LIBERTY_HOME/usr/servers/Liberty/server.xml shown in the following JNDI code example...
<server> <dataSource id="ORACLE" jndiName="jdbc/WorklightDS" jdbcDriverRef="ORACLEJDBCDriver"> <properties URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@host_ip_address:1521/ORCL" password="worklight" portNumber="1521" serverName="host_ip_address" user="worklight"/> </dataSource> <dataSource id="ORACLE" jndiName="jdbc/WorkLightReportsDS" jdbcDriverRef="ORACLEJDBCDriver"> <properties URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@host_ip_address:1521/ORCL" password="worklight" portNumber="1521" serverName="host_ip_address" user="worklight"/> </dataSource> <library id="lib"> <fileset dir="${shared.resource.dir}/lib" includes="ojdbc6.jar"/> </library> <jdbcDriver id="ORACLEJDBCDriver" libraryRef="lib"></jdbcDriver> </server>
Parent Troubleshooting