IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > WL server administration > ReportsRaw data reports
Use the raw data reports feature to extract raw data to different databases and view it in the form of reporting tables. Analytics information about applications and adapters usage includes...
- activity type
- device information
- application version
To enable the raw data reports feature:
- Stop the Worklight application server
- Create a separate database for reports
- Edit and set...
- Modify wl.reports.db properties contain the database settings
- Set the URL of the database to be used for raw data...
- Restart the application server.
The app_activity_report table of the raw data database is populated with data as you begin using your applications and adapters.
The data app_activity_report table contains:
Column Description ACTIVITY_TIMESTAMP Time of entry (UTC) GADGET_NAME IBM Worklight Application name GADGET_VERSION Application version ACTIVITY Activity type ENVIRONMENT Application environment name (iPhone, Android, and so on) SOURCE User identifier ADAPTER IBM Worklight adapter name PROC IBM Worklight adapter procedure name USERAGENT User agent from HTTP header of client device SESSION_ID Unique identifier for the user’s session on the server IP_ADDRESS IP address of the client DEVICE_IDn Unique device ID DEVICE_MODEL Manufacturer model, for example Galaxy I9000 DEVICE_OS Device operating system version Possible activities include:
Activity Description Init Application initialization Login Successful authentication using the application Adoption New Not supported in version 5.0 Adoption Not supported in version 5.0 Query Procedure call to an adapter Logout User logout In addition to predefined activity types, custom activities can be logged using...
Worklight raw data feed can grow quite fast (tens of gigabytes). The data is typically used by a BI system such as Cognos or Business Objects. It is the administrator’s responsibility to purge built-in tables periodically.
In addition to the app_activity_report table, the raw data engine also populates the notification_report table. This raw data table contains information about notifications sent from SMS event sources.
Parent Reports