IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > WL server administrationArchitecture
The IBM Worklight framework consists of...
- IBM Worklight Studio
- WL server
Each mobile application created using the IBM Worklight Studio connects at run time to an IBM Worklight server.
IBM Worklight server uses the following artifacts:
Platform Worklight server run time binary files Project Set of resources that are deployed on a Worklight server which define the behavior of applications and adapters. Not to be confused with an Eclipse Worklight Project, as used by Worklight Studio. Application Server-side metadata and web resources of a mobile application Adapter Metadata and code for server-side logic.
All but the Platform are created using the Worklight Studio running on Eclipse.
WL server runs on top of an Application Server, such as Apache Tomcat or IBM WebSphere Application Server.
Parent WL server administration