IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > API reference > IBM Worklight client-side API > JavaScript client-side APIWL.BusyIndicator (object)
Display an indication that the application is busy.
Use the WL.BusyIndicator object to display a modal, dynamic graphical image when the application is temporarily "busy", that is, not responsive to user input. WL.BusyIndicator is implemented natively on iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8, and Windows 8. In other environments, it is implemented using JavaScript in the Busy.js file. The implementations differ in their option parameters.
To change the appearance of the busy indicator, you can override the following CSS selectors:
- #WLbusyOverlay
- #WLbusy
- #WLbusyTitle
var busyInd = new WL.BusyIndicator('content', {text : 'Loading...'});
Parent JavaScript client-side API