Package examples.utils

This package contains utility files that can be used with the examples.


Utility Classes - examples.utils.common

build.xml This is the build script that builds the common utility files. To build, go to...


...and type...

ant Utility functions used by BEA WebLogic examples. Constants used by BEA WebLogic examples.


Database Set Up Summary - examples.utils.ddl

build.xml This is an ant build script that can be used to create the database tables used by the WebLogic examples. If you are using PointBase, go to...


...and type...

ant db_setup_pointbase

If you are using Oracle, type:

   ant db_setup_oracle

You can also set up your database using the DDL and Schema utility documented below.

NOTE:  Initital database setup run will cause table not found errors because these tables are new and have yet to be created.

demo.ddl This is a DDL (Data Description Language) file for PointBase that can be used to create the database tables used by the WebLogic examples. Use the Schema utility to upload the file to the demonstration PointBase database included with WebLogic. Note that this ddl has been developed to work with Pointbase and may need to be modified to work with another RDBMS.

Package utils Description

This package contains utility files that can be used with the examples.