WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning
Top Tuning Recommendations
Capacity Planning
Tune the Operating System
UNIX Tuning Parameters
Solaris TCP Tuning Parameters
HP-UX Tuning Parameters
AIX Tuning Parameters
Linux Tuning Parameters
Windows Tuning Parameters
Optimize Your Database
General Suggestions
Database-Specific Tuning
Microsoft SQL Server
Identify the Best JVM Settings
JRockit JDK
Tune WebLogic Server Performance Parameters
Monitor Disk and CPU Utilization
Monitor Data Transfers Across the Network
Check For Frequent Standard I/O or Logging
Locate Bottlenecks in Your Applications
Tune Your Application
JSPs and Servlets
Tuning Hardware, Operating System, and Network Performance
Hardware Tuning
Supported Platforms
Operating System Tuning
Setting TCP Parameters With the ndd Command
Setting Parameters In the /etc/system File
CE Gigabit Network Card Settings
Linux Tuning Parameters
Other Operating System Tuning Information
Network Performance
Determining Network Bandwidth
LAN Infrastructure
Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)
JVM Tuning Considerations
Which JVM for Your System?
Changing To a Different JVM
JVM Heap Size and Garbage Collection
Choosing a Garbage Collection Scheme
Using Verbose Garbage Collection to Determine Heap Size
Specifying Heap Size Values
Using WebLogic Startup Scripts to Set Heap Size
Java Heap Size Options
Automatically Logging Low Memory Conditions
Manually Requesting Garbage Collection
Setting Java HotSpot VM Options
Standard HotSpot VM Options for Windows, Solaris, and Linux
Non-Standard HotSpot VM Options for Windows, Solaris, and Linux
Tuning WebLogic Server
Setting Java Parameters for Starting WebLogic Server
Setting Performance-Related Configuration Parameters
Development vs. Production Mode Default Tuning Values
Using WebLogic Server "Native IO" Performance Packs
Which Platforms Have Performance Packs?
Enabling Performance Packs
Tuning the Default Execute Queue Threads
Should You Modify the Default Thread Count?
Scenarios for Modifying the Default Thread Count
Modifying the Default Thread Count
Assigning Applications to Execute Queues
Allocating Execute Threads to Act as Socket Readers
Setting the Number of Socket Reader Threads For a Server Instance
Setting the Number of Socket Reader Threads on Client Machines
Tuning Execute Queues for Overflow Conditions
Tuning the Execute Thread Detection Behavior
Tuning Connection Backlog Buffering
How JDBC Connection Pools Enhance Performance
Tuning JDBC Connection Pool Initial Capacity
Tuning JDBC Connection Pool Maximum Capacity
Caching Prepared and Callable Statements
Setting Your Java Compiler
Changing Compilers in the Administration Console
Setting Your Compiler in weblogic.xml
Compiling EJB Container Classes
Compiling on UNIX
Using WebLogic Server Clusters to Improve Performance
Scalability and High Availability
Performance Considerations When Running Multiple Server Instances on Multi-CPU Machines
Monitoring a WebLogic Server Domain
Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs
Setting Performance-Related weblogic-ejb-jar.xml Parameters
Setting EJB Pool Size for Session and Message-Driven Beans
Using a Free Pool to Improve Stateless Session Bean Performance
Allocating Pool Size for Entity Beans
Tuning Pool Size for Stateless Sessions Beans at Startup
Setting Caching Size for Stateful Session and Entity Beans
Activation and Passivation of Stateful Session EJBs
Deferring Database Locking
Setting Transaction Isolation Level
Setting Performance-Related weblogic-cmp-jar.xml Parameters
Tuning In Response to Monitoring Statistics
Cache Miss Ratio
Lock Waiter Ratio
Lock Timeout Ratio
Pool Miss Ratio
Destroyed Bean Ratio
Pool Timeout Ratio
Transaction Rollback Ratio
Transaction Timeout Ratio
Other Performance Improvement Strategies
Application-Level Caching
Batch Operations
Distributing Transactions Across EJBs in a WebLogic Server Cluster
Indexing with a Version Column
Tuning WebLogic Server Applications
Using Performance Analysis Tools
Using the JProbe Profiler
Using the Optimizeit Profiler
JDBC Application Tuning
JMS Application Tuning
EJB Application Tuning
Web Services Tuning
Managing Sessions
Managing Session Persistence
Minimizing Sessions
Using Execute Queues to Control Thread Usage
Creating Execute Queues
Assigning Servlets and JSPs to Execute Queues
Assigning EJBs and RMI Objects to Execute QueuesRelated Reading: Performance Tools and Information
BEA Systems, Inc. Information
Sun Microsystems Information
Linux OS Information
Hewlett-Packard Company Information
Microsoft Information
Web Performance Tuning Information
Network Performance Tools
Load Testing Tools
Performance Analysis Tools
Benchmarking Information
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Information
Enterprise JavaBeans Information
Java Message Service Information
Java Database Connectivity Information
General Performance Information