edocs Home > Oracle WebLogic Server Documentation > Administration Console Online Help > Create trapCreate trap destinations
Before you begin
A trap destination contains the information that the WebLogic SNMP agent needs to send notifications to an SNMP manager. Create one trap destination for each SNMP manager that you want to receive notifications from a WebLogic Server SNMP agent.
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- If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
- In the Administration Console, under Domain Structure , expand Diagnostics and select SNMP.
- On the Summary of SNMP Agents page, in the Server SNMP Agents table, click the name of an SNMP agent.
- On the SNMP Agent: Configuration: General page, click the Trap Destinations sub-tab.
- On the SNMP Trap Destinations page, click New.
Note: Once you create a trap destination, you cannot rename it. Instead, delete it and create another one that uses the new name.
- On the Create an SNMP Trap Destination page, enter a name for the trap destination.
- Do one of the following depending on whether you have configured the SNMP agent to send SNMPv1, v2, or v3 notifications:
Note: You configure the type of notification that an agent sends by selecting a value from the Trap Version list on the agent's Configuration: General page. See Configuration Options.
- If the SNMP agent sends SNMPv1 or v2 notifications, in Community, enter the password (community name) that the SNMP manager requires for all incoming requests.
- If the SNMP agent sends SNMPv3 notifications, in Security Name, enter the user name on whose behalf the WebLogic SNMP agent sends notifications.
The user name must be the name of an existing WebLogic Server user for whom you have created an SNMP credential map. When the WebLogic SNMP agent prepares a notification, it uses the credential map to look up and encode SNMP credentials. For information about creating an SNMP credential map, see Secure SNMPv3 communication.
- If the SNMP agent sends SNMPv3 notifications, in the Security Level list, select a security level that is equal to or higher than the security level that is configured for receiving requests from SNMP managers.
For example, if the WebLogic SNMP agent requires incoming SNMPv3 requests to use the authentication protocol, the security level for this trap destination must either require authentication or both authentication and privacy.
For more information about these fields, refer to Configuration Options.
- In Host, enter the DNS name or IP address of the computer on which the SNMP manager is running.
- In Port, enter the port on which the SNMP manager is listening.
- Click OK.
- To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).