edocs Home > Oracle WebLogic Server Documentation > Administration Console Online Help > Configure a user nameConfigure a user name mapper
Before you begin
Review the conceptual information and attribute options for a user name mapper. See Configuring a User Name Mapper.
The default user name mapping class only validates that a certificate has not expired. If you require additional validation, you need to write your own user name mapping class. Writing your own user name mapping class also allows you to specify what attribute in the subject DN of the certificate is used to map to the user name. See Configure a custom user name mapper.
To use the default user name mapper:
} } (document.images){ dcs_imgarray[dcs_ptr] = new Image; dcs_imgarray[dcs_ptr].src = dcs_src; WT[myMeta.name.substring(3)]=myMeta.content; } if DCSext[myMeta.name.substring(7)]=myMeta.content; } } } } for (N in DCS){P+=A( N, DCS[N]);} for (N in WT){P+=A( "WT."+N, WT[N]);} for (N in DCSext){P+=A( N, DCSext[N]);} //} aCrumb=aCookie[i].split("="); if (crumb==aCrumb[0]){ return aCrumb[1]; } } return null; } i=0;i
- If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
- On the Security Realms page, select the name of the realm you are configuring (for example, TestRealm).
- Expand Providers > Authentication and select the name of the Default Identity Asserter.
- Expand Configuration > Provider Specific.
- Check Use the Default User Name Mapper to enable the user name mapper.
- Specify the Default User Name Mapper Attribute Type and Default User Name Mapper Attribute Delimiter.
- Click Save.
- To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).