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Manually migrate JMS-related services

Before you begin

Before you can manually migrate JMS-related services to another server in the cluster, configure a migratable target for the service and its associated persistent store. See Configure migratable targets for JMS-related services.

For persistent messaging, configure a custom persistent store that is targeted to the same migratable target as the JMS service. Unless you are using pre/post migration scripts to move the store data across migrated servers, the custom store must be configured such that all the candidate servers in the migratable target have access to it. See Configure JMS-related services migration.

A JMS-related service can be migrated with its hosting migratable target to another server member within a cluster. This includes both scheduled migrations as well as manual migrations in response to a server failure within the cluster. For example, a JMS server, all of its destinations, and its associated persistent store can migrate with their migratable target to a healthy server if the current hosting server should fail. JMS-related services include JMS servers, SAF agents, path service, and custom stores. You can migrate all migratable targets at once or on a target-by-target basis.

To manually migrate a JMS-related service hosted by a migratable target:

  1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).

  2. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Environment, then select Migratable Targets.

  3. To migrate one or migratable targets at once, on the Summary of Migratable Targets page:

    1. Click the Control tab.

    2. Use the check boxes to select one or more migratable targets to migrate.

    3. Click Migrate.

    4. Use the New hosting server drop-down to select a new server for the migratable target(s).

    5. Click OK.

    Note: The server that you select must have access to the custom persistent store for the current server. If necessary, the selected server will perform the transaction recovery process for the failed server.

    A request is submitted to migrate the JMS-related service and the configuration edit lock is released. In the Migratable Targets table, the Status of Last Migration column indicates whether the requested migration has succeeded or failed.

  4. To migrate a specific migratable target, on the Summary of Migratable Targets page:

    1. Select the migratable target to migrate.

    2. Click the Control tab.

    3. Again, select the migratable target to migrate.

    4. Click Migrate.

    5. Use the New hosting server drop-down to select a new server for the migratable target.

    6. Click OK.

    Note: The server that you select must have access to the custom persistent store for the current server. If necessary, the selected server will perform the transaction recovery process for the failed server.

    A request is submitted to migrate the JMS-related service and the configuration edit lock is released. In the Migratable Targets table, the Status of Last Migration column indicates whether the requested migration has succeeded or failed.

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