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Configure SAF queues

Before you begin

Create path services

A SAF queue represents a JMS queue in a remote server or cluster. SAF queues are used for asynchronous and disconnected peer communications. Messages delivered to a SAF queue are temporarily stored for future delivery, and are forwarded to a JMS queue on a remote server or cluster when it is reachable.

To configure a SAF queue's properties:

  1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).

  2. In the Administration Console, navigate to the SAF imported destination resource that you want to configure:

  3. On the Configuration: Queues tab, select the SAF Queue you want to configure.

    If the table does not contain a SAF queue, refer to Create SAF queues.

  4. On the General tab, update as necessary:

    1. Remote JNDI Name -- Specify the remote JNDI name of the remote destination.

    2. Local JNDI Name -- Specify the local JNDI name of the remote destination.

    3. Non-Persistent QOS -- Select the quality of service for non-persistent messages.

    4. SAF Error Handling -- Select the error handling configuration used by this SAF destination.

    5. Enable SAF Default Time-to-Live -- Select to override the expiration time set on JMS messages with the value specified in the SAF Default Time-to-Live field.

    6. SAF Default Time-to-Live -- Specify a default Time-to-Live value, in milliseconds, for JMS messages. The expiration time set on JMS messages will override this value unless the Enable SAF Default Time-to-Live check box is selected

    7. Message Unit-of-Order Routing -- Specify the type of routing used to find a SAF agent when using the message Unit-of-Order feature.

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  5. Click Save.

  6. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
    Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).
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