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JMS Messages: Produce Messages

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This page produces one JMS message on the current destination. You can specify header and body content when creating the message.

Configuration Options

Name Description

Enter the message type, such as BytesMessage, TextMessage, StreamMessage, ObjectMessage, MapMessage, or XMLMessage.

Correlation ID

Specify a user-defined identifier for the message, often used to correlate messages about the same subject


Specify the expiration, or time-to-live value, for a message.


Provide an indicator of the level of importance or urgency of the message, with 0 as the lowest priority and 9 as the highest. Usually, 0-4 are gradients of normal priority and 5-9 are gradients of expedited priority. Priority is set to 4 by default.

Delivery Mode

Select whether you want the message to be Persistent or Non-Persistent.

Delivery Time

Defines the earliest absolute time at which a message can be delivered to a consumer.

Redelivery Limit

Enter the number of redelivery tries a message can have before it is moved to an error destination.


Enter the message content.

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