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EJB Component: Security: credential mapping

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Credential mapping for an EJB component is the process in which WebLogic Server user IDs are mapped to database user IDs. If credential mapping is enabled on the EJB Component, when an application requests a database connection from the module, WebLogic Server determines the current WebLogic Server user ID and then sets the mapped database ID as a lightweight client ID on the database connection.

Use this page to configure credential mapping services for an EJB Component.

Specify a database user ID that maps to the selected WebLogic Server user. If Enable credential mapping is selected on the EJB Component, when an application requests a database connection from the EJB Component, WebLogic Server determines the current WebLogic Server user ID and then sets the user ID on the database connection to the mapped database user.

Configuration Options

Name Description
WebLogic Server User

The WebLogic Server user ID that will map to the remote user ID.

Remote User

The database user ID to map to the selected WebLogic Server user.

Remote Password

The database password for the database user ID.

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