IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Agent Installation Guides > UNIX Agent Installation Guide > Agent installation and configuration
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Set up the monitoring agent in a cluster environment
You can install and set up the monitoring agent in an HACMP clustered environment by following these instructions.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide contains an overview of clustering. The Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS is set up and works as it does in a non-clustered environment. There is a unique cluster configuration prompt for the Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS:
Are you installing this product into a clustered environment (Default is: NO):You should accept the default (NO).
The NO or YES response is case-sensitive.
The shared disks attributes are displayed in all cluster nodes workspace views that use the disk-related queries. However, the disk metrics are zero for the nodes that are not controlling the shared disk because they do not have access to the shared disk. The highly available IP addresses are not displayed in the network table since the highly available IP address is bound to an alias interface. Alias interface IP addresses are reported in the IP Address attribute group. The relevant statistics for those IP addresses are reported in the base Interface name in the Network attribute group since all aliases share one set of statistics for a particular network interface. The base interface can usually be found by removing the colon and number at the end of the aliased interface (for example, Alias = en0:3 Base: en0).
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Agent installation and configuration