IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Install IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Install the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Windows: Installing the hub monitoring server
Follow the steps in this section to install the hub monitoring server on a Windows computer.
- Launch the installation wizard by double-clicking the setup.exe file on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Base DVD or DVD image.
You might receive an error stating that the setup.exe file is from an unknown publisher. Click Run to disregard this error message.
- Click Next on the Welcome window.
If you have another IBM Tivoli Monitoring component already installed on this computer, select Modify on the Welcome window to indicate that you are updating an existing installation. Click OK on the message telling you about preselected items. Then skip to Step 6.
- Click Accept to accept the license agreement.
- Choose the directory where you want to install the product. The default directory is C:\IBM\ITM. Click Next.
- Type a 32-character encryption key. You can use the default key.
- Do not use any of the following characters in your key:
& ampersand | pipe ' single quote = equal sign $ dollar sign In addition, do not specify double-byte (DBCS) characters.
- Document the value you use for the key. Use this key during the installation of any components that communicate with this monitoring server.
Click Next and then click OK to confirm the encryption key.
- On the Select Features window, select the check box for Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
When you select the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server check box, all of the check boxes in the attached subtree are automatically selected. The support check boxes in the subtree are for installing application support files for monitoring agents to the monitoring server. You can leave all of the support check boxes selected so you do not need to reconfigure application support as new agent types are added to your environment, but adding support for many agents can extend the installation time considerably. If you do not intend to install a particular type of agent, remove the check mark from the selection box. For detailed information about application support, see Install and enable application support.
For additional information about these components, press the Help button.
- If you have purchased monitoring agents that run on z/OS, but have not purchased IBM Tivoli Monitoring as a separate product, expand the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server node. Clear the check boxes in the subtree for the base agents except for the Warehouse Proxy and Summarization and Pruning Agents. (The base monitoring agents are included with the base IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation package: see Install monitoring agents.)
- If you are updating an existing installation (you selected Modify on the Welcome window), all check boxes on the Select Features window reflect your choices during the initial installation. Clear a check box has the effect of uninstalling the component. Clear a check box only if you want to remove a component.
- If you have decided to use self-describing agents to install product application support, you do not have to select the support check box for this product.
- Click Next to display the Agent Deployment window.
The Agent Deployment window lists monitoring agents on this installation image that you can add to the agent depot. The agent depot contains agents that you can deploy to remote computers. For information about how to deploy agents in the agent depot to remote computers, see Deploy monitoring agents across your environment.
For additional information about agent deployment, press the Help button.
By default, the agent depot is located in directory...
...on Windows. To use a different directory, create the directory (if it does not exist) and specify the directory using the DEPOTHOME key in the KBBENV file.
Select the agents, if any, that you want to add to the agent depot. (You can add agents to the agent depot at a later time by updating your installation.) Click Next.
- If no IBM Tivoli Monitoring component has been previously installed on this computer, a window is displayed for you to select a program folder for the Windows Start menu. Select a program folder, and click Next. The default program folder name is IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
- If the TEPS Desktop and Browser Signon ID and Password window is displayed, enter and confirm the password to be used for logging on to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. The default logon user ID, sysadmin, cannot be changed on this window.
This password is required only when Security: Validate Users is enabled on the hub monitoring server. This window is not displayed if the sysadmin user ID has already been defined in the operating system.
- Review the installation summary details. The summary identifies the components you are installing. Click Next to begin the installation.
After the components are installed, a configuration window (called the Setup Type window) is displayed.
- Clear the check boxes for any components that are already installed and configured (at the current release level) on this computer, unless you want to modify the configuration. Click Next to start configuring all selected components.
- Configure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server:
Figure 1. Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Configuration
- Select the type of monitoring server you are configuring: Hub or Remote. For this procedure, select Hub.
- Verify that the name of this monitoring server is correct in the TEMS Name field. If it is not, change it.
The default name is HUB_host_name, for example, HUB_itmserv16. This name must be unique in the enterprise.
- Identify the communications protocol for the monitoring server.
You have seven choices: IP.UDP, IP6.UDP, IP.PIPE, IP6.PIPE, IP.SPIPE, IP6.SPIPE, or SNA. You can specify up to six methods for communication. If the method you identify as Protocol 1 fails, Protocol 2 is used as a backup. If Protocol 2 fails, Protocol 3 is used as a backup, and so on.
- Leaving TEMS Security Compatibility Mode enabled performs the following functions:
- It allows for backwards compatibility with previous versions of IBM Tivoli Monitoring components shipped before V6.3 when securing command execution (Situation Take Action, Execute Command, Take Action, Workflow Policy Take Action). Accept the default if you have a previous version of a portal server, hub monitoring server, or OMEGAMON product connecting to this Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server or if the system clocks are not synchronized across the systems with monitoring servers, the portal server, and monitoring agents.
- It permits commands to still execute even if cryptographic facilities are not available. This gives you time to ensure that, for example, your z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server has the Integrated Cryptographic Services Facility (ICSF) available.
If you disable this option and you have a mixture of pre-V6.3 and V6.3 server components, if clocks are not synchronized, or if you don't have cryptographic services available, then command executions might fail.
- Do not select any of the other options on this window (for example Address Translation, Tivoli Event Integration Facility or the option to configure Hot Standby). You can configure these options after installation is complete.
- Remove the check mark from the box for Security: Validate Users. Use the procedures in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide to configure security after installation is complete. If you decide to leave security enabled, and you want to use LDAP to authenticate users instead of the hub security system, use the information in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide to complete the configuration.
- Click OK.
- Complete the following fields for the communications protocol for the monitoring server.
Communications protocol settings for the hub monitoring server
Field Description IP.UDP and IP6.UDP settings Hostname or IP Address The host name or IP address for the hub monitoring server. Port # or Port Pools The listening port for the hub monitoring server. The default port is 1918. IP.PIPE and IP6.PIPE settings Hostname or IP Address The host name or IP address for the hub monitoring server. Port Number The listening port for the monitoring server. The default number is 1918. IP.SPIPE and IP6.SPIPE settings Hostname or IP Address The host name or IP address for the hub monitoring server. Port number The listening port for the hub monitoring server. The default value is 3660. SNA settings Network Name SNA network identifier for your location. LU Name LU name for the monitoring server. This LU name corresponds to the Local LU Alias in your SNA communications software. LU 6.2 LOGMODE Name of the LU6.2 LOGMODE. The default value is CANCTDCS. TP Name The transaction program name for the monitoring server.
- If you are certain that you have typed the values for all of these fields with exactly the correct casing (upper and lower cases), you can select Use case as typed. However, because IBM Tivoli Monitoring is case-sensitive, consider selecting Convert to upper case to reduce the chance of user error.
- If you are installing a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server together with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, some additional configuration steps are required. See step 14 in Windows: Installing a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server.
- Click OK to continue.
Press the Help button for additional information about the configuration parameters of the monitoring server.
- If you selected Tivoli Event Integration Facility, provide the host name and port number for the Netcool/OMNIbus EIF probe or TEC event server to which you want to forward events and click OK.
The default port number for the Netcool/OMNIbus EIF Probe Version 10 or later is 9998. The default port number for the TEC event server is 5529. However, if you used Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.2.1 to install the EIF probe then the probe's default port number is 5530.
Before configuring the Tivoli Event Integration Facility support, verify that you have performed other prerequisite steps to integrate with the event server. See Set up event forwarding to Netcool/OMNIbus or Set up event forwarding to Tivoli Enterprise Console for details.
- Enable application support on the monitoring server.
In Step 6, you selected the base monitoring agents for which you wanted to install application support files on the monitoring server. In this step, you activate the application support through a process known as seeding the monitoring server.
- If you are running in a Hot Standby environment, shut down your standby hub monitoring server before completing this procedure. You may restart the standby hub monitoring server only after you have seeded the acting hub server.
- If you are using self-describing agent capability to install monitoring server support, you might be able to skip this step. This depends on the method of seeding you want to use for a given self-describing agent product. If automatic self-describing agent seeding is required, then you can skip this step. To manually seed the self-describing agent installed product, then you must perform this step. See Configure self-describing agent seeding.
- Specify the location of the monitoring server to which to add application support. You have two choices:
- On this computer
- On a different computer
Click OK.
For additional information about these parameters, press the Help button.
- Click OK on the Select the application support to add to the TEMS window.
This window lists the monitoring agents that you selected in Step 6. Click OK to begin seeding the monitoring server (using the SQL files listed on this window).
This process can take up to 20 minutes. As the seeding process completes , a progress bar is displayed, showing the progress of seeding, in turn, the application support for the agents you selected.
Figure 2. Progress bar for application seeding
Once seeding completes, if support could not be added, a window is displayed showing all seeding results.
- Click Next on the message that provides results for the process of adding application support (see Figure 2). A return code of 0 (rc: 0) indicates that the process succeeded.
If the Application Support Addition Complete window is not displayed after 20 minutes, look in the IBM\ITM\CNPS\Logs\seedkpc.log files (where pc is the two-character product code for each monitoring agent) for diagnostic messages that help you determine the cause of the problem. For a list of product codes, see IBM Tivoli product, platform, and component codes.
- Configure the communication between any IBM Tivoli Monitoring component and the hub monitoring server:
- Specify the default values for IBM Tivoli Monitoring components to use when they communicate with the monitoring server.
- If agents must cross a firewall to access the monitoring server, select Connection must pass through firewall.
- Identify the type of protocol that the agents use to communicate with the hub monitoring server.
You have seven choices: IP.UDP, IP6.UDP, IP.PIPE, IP6.PIPE, IP.SPIPE, IP6.SPIPE, or SNA. You can specify up to six methods for communication. If the method you identify as Protocol 1 fails, Protocol 2 is used as a backup. If Protocol 2 fails, Protocol 3 is used as a backup, and so on.
Click OK.
- Complete the communication protocol fields for the monitoring server. See Table 1 for definitions of these fields. Click OK.
For additional information about these parameters, press the Help button.
- Click Finish to complete the installation.
- Click Finish on the Maintenance Complete window if you are updating an existing installation.
The Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services utility is opened. (This might take a few minutes.) You can start, stop, and configure IBM Tivoli Monitoring components with this utility.
Parent topic:
Install the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server