IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Perform a silent installation of IBM Tivoli Monitoring
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Perform a silent installation on a Linux or UNIX computer
Just as the interactive installation on Linux and UNIX requires both an installation of code and then a separate configuration, so does the silent installation method. Both the installation and configuration use parameter files to define what you are installing or configuring.
Sample installation and configuration parameter files are included with IBM Tivoli Monitoring and with monitoring agents. The files are located in the following locations:
- Silent installation files:
- On the product installation media (both base IBM Tivoli Monitoring and agent installation media)
- After installation, a sample file is located in the install_dir/samples directory
- Silent configuration files: After you install the product, a configuration file for each component that requires configuration is located in the install_dir/samples directory. There is also a sample configuration file that you can use to configure any component.
Before editing any of the response files, note the following syntax rules:
- Comment lines begin with a pound sign (#).
- Blank lines are ignored.
- Parameter lines are PARAMETER=value. Do not use a space before the parameter; you can use a space before or after an equal sign (=).
- Do not use any of the following characters in any parameter value:
& ampersand | pipe ' single quote = equal sign $ dollar sign Use the following procedures to perform silent installations:
- Install components with a response file
The silent_install.txt response file specifies the installation parameters for IBM Tivoli Monitoring components.
- Configure components with a response file
You can use the itmcmd config command with the -p filename parameter to configure IBM Tivoli Monitoring components silently.
- Automatically creating agent response files on Linux or UNIX
You can have Tivoli Monitoring create the response files for you after configuring an agent.
- Linux/UNIX: Installing and configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server in silent mode
A silent installation runs on its own and does not require you to provide input to dialog boxes or monitor the installation. This configuration option allows for an unattended and automatic installation and configuration of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server.
- Install the dashboard data provider in silent mode
This configuration option allows for an unattended and automatic installation and configuration of the dashboard data provider.
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Perform a silent installation of IBM Tivoli Monitoring