IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Set up event forwarding to Netcool/OMNIbus > Installation and configuration

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Update the Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer with IBM Tivoli Monitoring attributes, tables, and triggers

IBM Tivoli Monitoring provides updates to the Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer attributes, tables, and triggers. The type of updates required depend on whether you are using a single-tier architecture, a single-tier high-availability architecture, or a multitier architecture.

A single-tier architecture uses a single ObjectServer. A single-tier high-availability architecture uses a primary and backup ObjectServer with a bi-directional gateway between them. A multitier architecture uses multiple sets of ObjectServers. For more information on the last two architecture types, see Netcool/OMNIbus Multitiered and High-availability Architecture.
Table 1 indicates which ObjectServer updates are required for each architecture type.

ObjectServer updates required for each architecture type

Task single-tier architecture (single ObjectServer) single-tier, high-availability architecture Multitier architecture
Update gateways to map attributes.   X

Perform this task for the gateway between the primary and backup ObjectServers.


Perform this task for each unidirectional and bidirectional gateway between the ObjectServers.

Update the bidirectional failover gateway to replicate tables.   X

Perform this task for the bidirectional gateway between the ObjectServers.


Perform this task for each bidirectional gateway used between ObjectServers in the aggregation tier.

Update the OMNIbus database schema in the collection tier.     X

Perform this task on each ObjectServer in the collection tier.

Update the OMNIbus database schema on single-tier or aggregation tier ObjectServers. X X

Perform this task on each ObjectServer.


Perform this task for each ObjectServer in the aggregation tier.

Change the default deduplication trigger. X X

Perform this task on each ObjectServer.


Perform this task for each ObjectServer in the aggregation tier.

Update the OMNIbus database schema in the display tier.     X

Perform this task on each ObjectServer in the display tier.

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Installation and configuration


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