IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Uninstall IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Uninstall the entire IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Uninstall the environment on Linux or UNIX
Use the steps in this procedure to uninstall IBM Tivoli Monitoring from a UNIX computer.
- From a command prompt, run to change to the appropriate /bin directory:
cd install_dir/binwhere install_dir is the path for the home directory for IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
- Run the following command:
./uninstall.shA numbered list of product codes, architecture codes, version and release numbers, and product titles is displayed for all installed products.
- Type the number for the installed product that you want to uninstall. Repeat this step for each additional installed product you want to uninstall.
- After you have removed all installed components, you are asked if you want to remove the installation directory. Type y and press Enter.
What to do next
You can also run the following command to remove all installed components from the command-line:./ REMOVE EVERYTHINGAfter the command completes, you can manually remove the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory.
If for any reason, the UNIX uninstallation is not successful, run to remove all IBM Tivoli Monitoring directories:
rm -r install_dirThis uninstallation program does not delete the database created for Tivoli Enterprise Portal on a Linux portal server. To delete that database, you must remove it manually. See the documentation for your database software for information about deleting a database.
Parent topic:
Uninstall the entire IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment