IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Upgrade from a previous installation > IBM Tivoli Monitoring coexistence and interoperability
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
Coexistence and interoperability statements for the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.
- A V6.3 hub monitoring server supports connections from a V6.1, V6.2, V6.2.1, V6.2.2, or V6.2.3 remote monitoring server.
- If the Hot Standby feature is used, the primary and secondary hub monitoring servers must be at the same level.
- The recommended configuration is for the remote monitoring servers to connect to a hub monitoring server at the same or later release level. V6.3 remote monitoring servers can connect to a V6.2, V6.2.1, V6.2.2, or V6.3 (recommended) hub monitoring server. Remote monitoring servers will automatically switch into compatibility mode to match the feature set of an older release level hub monitoring server.
Agents created with the Agent Builder require that the entire path from the agent, through the remote monitoring server to which it connects, to the hub monitoring server, to the portal server and the data warehouse be at IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2 or later.
Also, agents built with the V6.2.1.x Agent Builder (or previous) cannot be installed into an environment where a System Monitor Agent is also running.
- If your site uses IP.SPIPE for Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server communication:
- A V6.2.2 or later remote monitoring server not running in FIPS mode can connect to V6.2.1 or earlier hub monitoring server. Connectivity will default to the Triple DES standard.To enable AES encryption on the hub, customers may set parameter GSK_V3_CIPHER_SPECS="352F0A" on the hub monitoring system.
- A V6.2.1 or earlier remote monitoring server can connect to a V6.2.2 or later hub not running in FIPS mode. Connectivity will default to the Triple DES standard. To enable AES encryption, customers may set parameter GSK_V3_CIPHER_SPECS="352F0A" on the remote monitoring systems.
- Agents using pre-V6.2.2 monitoring agent framework can select IP.SPIPE to connect to a V6.2.2 or later monitoring server defined with FIPS=N.
- Agents using pre-V6.2.2 monitoring agent framework cannot select IP.SPIPE to connect to a V6.2.2 or later monitoring server defined with FIPS=Y.
- Agents using V6.2.2 or later monitoring agent framework defined with either FIPS=N or FIPS=Y can select IP.SPIPE to connect to a V6.2.2 or later monitoring server defined with either FIPS=N or FIPS=Y.
- If you are running a hub monitoring server at release 6.2 or earlier, the tacmd CLI commands for situation groups, situation long names, and adaptive monitoring cannot be used.
- If you are running a hub monitoring server at a release prior to V6.2.3, you cannot use the self-describing agent function. If you are running a remote monitoring server at a release prior to V6.2.3, you cannot use the self-describing agent function for the agents connected to that monitoring server.
- If you are running a remote monitoring server at a release prior to 6.2.2 fix pack 2, you cannot use the tacmd CLI commands getFile, putFile, and executeCommand.
- If you are running a remote monitoring server at a release prior to V6.2.3, you cannot use the tacmd CLI commands for prerequisite checking and setAgentConnection.
- If you are running a remote monitoring server at a release prior to V6.3, installation for the agent(s) that connect to that monitoring server while the self-describing agent installation was suspended (via tacmd suspendsda) will not be restarted when processing is resumed (via tacmd resumesda). You must recycle the agent or the remote monitoring server.
- If you are running a hub monitoring server at a release prior to V6.3, the auditing of take actions will not be enabled.
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IBM Tivoli Monitoring coexistence and interoperability