IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Install IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Specify the browser used for online help
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
UNIX and Linux: Specifying the browser location
To change a property such as the location of the Web browser that the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client launches in UNIX, update the shell script file or files that are run and the template that is used when the browser client is configured to create the script file or files that are run.
You might have to update one or more of the files list in Table 1:
All file paths are relative to your install_dir directory where you installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
File locations for changing application properties for UNIX and Linux
File location Purpose of file bin/ The default shell script that launches the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client. bin/ The shell script for a specific instance you have created, where instance is the name of the instance that launches the Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client. platform/cj/original/cnp.sh_template The template from which the bin/ and bin/ shell scripts are generated during configuration, where platform is the code for the operating system platform on which IBM Tivoli Monitoring is installed. For example: li6243 for Linux 2.4 on a 32-bit Intel CPU). If you change only bin/ or bin/ and do not change this template, the next time you configure the client, a new version of the script is created without the changes you made to bin/ or bin/
To change the location of the Web browser you must change the above file or files to include a new property:
- Go to the install_dir/bin/ and edit the shell script.
- Add your Web browser location to the last line of the file. In the example below, the Web browser location is /opt/foo/bin/launcher. -Dkjr.browser.default=/opt/foo/bin/launcher
The line is very long and has various options on it, including several other –D options to define other properties. It is very important to add the option in the correct place.
If the last line of your bin/ originally looked like the following:
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -showversion -noverify -classpath ${CLASSPATH} -Dkjr.trace.mode=LOCAL -Dkjr.trace.file=/opt/IBM/ITM/logs/kcjras1.log -Dkjr.trace.params=ERROR -DORBtcpNoDelay=true -Dvbroker.agent.enableLocator=false -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=candle.fw.pres.CMWApplet 2>& 1 >> ${LOGFILENAME}.logTo set the browser location to /opt/foo/bin/launcher, change the line to look like the following:
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -showversion -noverify -classpath ${CLASSPATH} -Dkjr.browser.default=/opt/foo/bin/launcher -Dkjr.trace.mode=LOCAL -Dkjr.trace.file=/opt/IBM/ITM/logs/kcjras1.log -Dkjr.trace.params=ERROR -DORBtcpNoDelay=true -Dvbroker.agent.enableLocator=false -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=candle.fw.pres.CMWApplet 2>& 1 >> ${LOGFILENAME}.log
Parent topic:
Specify the browser used for online help