IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Performance tuning

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Disable TCP-delayed acknowledgments on AIX systems

On AIX systems, the default behavior for TCP connections results in delayed acknowledgments (Ack packets). When tcp_nodelayack is set to 0 (the default setting), TCP delays sending Ack packets by up to 200ms, the Ack attaches to a response, and system overhead is minimized.

Setting the tcp_nodelayack parameter to 1 causes TCP to send immediate acknowledgment (Ack) packets to the sender.

Setting tcp_nodelayack to 1 will cause slightly more system overhead, but can result in much higher performance for network transfers if the sender is waiting on the acknowledgment from the receiver.

Measurements of communication between Tivoli Monitoring components have shown that setting tcp_nodelayack to 1 can significantly improve performance.

To make the parameter setting, issue the following:

The -p flag makes the change persistent, so that it is still in effect at the next boot. This is a dynamic change that takes effect immediately.

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Performance tuning


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